State of New Jersey - NJ Schools Development Authority
Contract No. Rebid No. District General Description Advertisement
Proposal/Bid Due Date
CA-0001-C02 Camden GP 09/15/2004 12/10/2004
CA-0001-P01 Camden GP 07/31/2003 08/29/2003
CA-0004-C01 Camden H.B. Wilson Elementary School 03/02/2007 04/17/2007
CA-0004-N01 Camden H.B. Wilson Elementary School 03/27/2013 05/07/2013
CA-0004-P01 Camden H.B. Wilson Elementary School 06/25/2004 08/05/2004
CA-0005-C01 RB 1 Camden Dudley ES 08/31/2007 10/25/2007
CA-0005-P01 RB 1 Camden Dudley ES 07/26/2006 09/07/2006
CA-0005-P03 Camden Dudley ES 05/15/2007 06/15/2007
CA-0010-C01 RB 2 Camden Morgan Village Middle School 12/16/2008 12/16/2008
CA-0010-E01 Camden Morgan Village Middle School 11/30/2007 01/07/2008
CA-0010-N01 Camden Morgan Village Middle School 02/03/2012 03/08/2012
CA-0010-P01 Camden Morgan Village Middle School 10/24/2006 11/21/2006
CA-0012-C01 RB 2 Camden Camden High School 05/08/2009 06/04/2009
CA-0012-C02 Camden Camden High School 03/09/2007 03/22/2007
CA-0014-C01 RB 1 Camden Pyne Poynt Junior High School 01/20/2005 02/09/2005
CA-0014-C02 Camden Pyne Poynt Junior High School 12/22/2004 02/18/2005
CA-0014-C03 Camden Pyne Poynt Junior High School 01/24/2005 03/15/2005
CA-0018-J01 RB 1 Camden Lanning ES 05/19/2009 06/16/2009
CA-0018-N01 Camden Lanning ES 01/06/2010 03/18/2010
CA-0018-P01 RB 1 Camden Lanning ES 09/03/2004 10/05/2004
CA-0022-C01 Camden Camden High School 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
CA-0022-C02 Camden Camden High School 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
CA-0022-N01 Camden Camden High School 06/09/2017 07/25/2017
EL-0006-C01 Elizabeth New Academic High School 07/11/2012 10/04/2012
EL-0006-N01 Elizabeth New Academic High School 12/05/2011 01/18/2012
EL-0006-P01 Elizabeth New Academic High School 08/09/2007 09/05/2007
EL-0007-C01 Elizabeth New Pre-K-8 School #31 10/09/2003 04/21/2004
EL-0007-C02 Elizabeth New Pre-K-8 School #31 12/17/2003 12/17/2003
EL-0007-P01 Elizabeth New Pre-K-8 School #31 07/28/2003 10/03/2003
EL-0007-T01 Elizabeth New Pre-K-8 School #31 02/10/2006 03/30/2006
EL-0008-C01 RB 1 Elizabeth New PreK-8 School #30 03/22/2004 05/03/2004
EL-0008-C02 Elizabeth New PreK-8 School #30 10/31/2003 12/17/2003
EL-0008-C03 Elizabeth New PreK-8 School #30 10/13/2004 11/17/2004
EL-0008-T01 Elizabeth New PreK-8 School #30 04/05/2006 05/02/2006
EL-0009-C01 Elizabeth New ECC 04/14/2003 08/26/2003
EL-0009-C02 Elizabeth New ECC 07/08/2003 09/29/2003
EL-0009-P01 Elizabeth New ECC 02/24/2003 03/21/2003
EL-0011-C01 Elizabeth New PreK #29 10/17/2003 03/10/2004
EL-0011-C02 Elizabeth New PreK #29 10/31/2003 12/17/2003
EL-0011-T01 Elizabeth New PreK #29 08/23/2005 09/27/2005
EL-0012-C01 Elizabeth New PreK-8 School #28 10/31/2003 12/17/2003
EL-0012-C02 RB 1 Elizabeth New PreK-8 School #28 12/05/2005 02/07/2006
EL-0012-C03 Elizabeth New PreK-8 School #28 10/20/2004 12/09/2004
EL-0012-C04 Elizabeth New PreK-8 School #28 10/18/2004 11/29/2004
EL-0012-C05 Elizabeth New PreK-8 School #28 10/18/2004 11/29/2004
EL-0016-C01 Elizabeth Demolition of Existing House 10/31/2003 12/17/2003
EL-0016-C03 Elizabeth Demolition of Existing House 07/12/2006 08/31/2006
EL-0016-J01 Elizabeth Demolition of Existing House 03/06/2009 03/18/2009
EL-0021-C01 Elizabeth Site acquisition and construction of new Performing Arts HS 10/18/2004 12/03/2004
EL-0022-C01 Elizabeth Life Safety Project 04/10/2003 04/30/2003
EL-0023-C01 Elizabeth John Marshall #20 03/28/2003 03/28/2003
EL-0023-C02 Elizabeth John Marshall #20 03/03/2003 03/28/2003
EL-0024-C01 Elizabeth #81 Elizabeth H.S. Main Complex General Construction 04/28/2003 05/22/2003
EL-0024-C02 Elizabeth #81 Elizabeth H.S. Main Complex General Construction 04/28/2003 05/16/2003
EL-0027-C01 Elizabeth Renovations to three HS buildings 05/22/2003 06/05/2003
EL-0028-C01 Elizabeth Revised School #27 05/17/2006 07/12/2006
EL-0028-P01 Elizabeth Revised School #27 10/18/2004 11/30/2004
EL-0036-C01 Elizabeth Cleveland Holms 10/18/2004 12/01/2004
EL-0038-E01 Elizabeth School 27 - Network Electronics 12/10/2004 01/18/2005
EL-0044-N01 Elizabeth New Pre-K - 8 School 09/29/2023 12/12/2023
EP-0001-C01 Irvington Irvington High School - HVAC Inspection, Testing & Repair 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0003-C01 Camden City Camden - Camden High School Emergent Window Rehabilitation 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0004-C01 Long Branch Long Branch - Anastasia & Gregory Elementary Schools - Bathroom Heat/Insulation 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0007-C01 Newark Weequahic HS - Emergent Work - Exterior Masonry & Roofing 07/06/2010 08/20/2010
EP-0009-C01 Newark Avon Avenue School - Emergent Work - Roof Replacement 07/08/2010 07/22/2010
EP-0010-C01 Newark Barringer HS - Emergent Work - Plumbing 07/23/2010 08/26/2010
EP-0011-C01 Newark Bragaw ES - Emergent Work - Exterior Masonry 07/08/2010 08/04/2010
EP-0012-C01 Newark William Horton ES - Emergent Work - Roof Replacement 07/23/2010 09/01/2010
EP-0013-C01 Newark Roberto Clemente ES - Emergent Work - Exterior Masonry 07/08/2010 08/04/2010
EP-0014-C01 Newark Speedway Ave ES - Emergent Work - Emergency Generator 07/08/2010 08/04/2010
EP-0015-C01 Newark Warren Street HS - Emergent Work - Exterior Masonry 07/23/2010 09/10/2010
EP-0016-C01 Newark East Side High School - Emergent Work - Masonry & Roof Repairs 07/14/2010 09/02/2010
EP-0017-C01 Newark Malcolm X. Shabazz HS- Emergent Work - Ext Masonry/Roof Repair/Water Infiltration 07/14/2010 08/17/2010
EP-0018-C01 Camden Broadway Elementary School - Emergent Work - Exterior Masonry 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0020-C01 Camden Sharp Elementary School - Emergent Work - Roof Replacement 01/07/2011 02/15/2011
EP-0021-C01 Camden Washington Elementary School - Emergent Work - Exterior Masonry 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0022-C01 Passaic School #11 - Emergent Work - Roof Replacement 06/18/2010 08/03/2010
EP-0023-C01 Passaic Thomas Jefferson ES #1 - Emergent Work - Roof Replacement 06/18/2010 08/03/2010
EP-0024-C01 Passaic School #6 - Emergent Work - Roof Replacement 06/18/2010 08/03/2010
EP-0025-C01 Paterson ECC at 14th - Emergent Work - Plaza Deck Repairs 04/30/2010 05/27/2010
EP-0026-C01 RB 1 Paterson School #10 - Emergent Work - Replace Dissimilar Piping & Fittings 05/18/2010 06/16/2010
EP-0027-C01 Paterson School #16 - Emergent Work - Window Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0028-C01 Paterson School #3 - Emergent Repairs - Window Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0029-C01 Paterson School #6 - Emergent Work - Window Repairs 06/22/2012 07/19/2012
EP-0030-C01 Paterson Sage Adult HS - Emergent Work - Roof Replacement 04/30/2010 05/27/2010
EP-0032-C01 RB 1 East Orange Cochran Academy - Emergent Roof & Ceiling Renovations 06/17/2011 07/19/2011
EP-0033-C01 East Orange Whitney Houston Academy - Emergent Work - Roof Repairs 03/22/2011 04/20/2011
EP-0034-C01 East Orange Jackson Academy - Emergent Work - Roof Repairs 06/21/2010 07/13/2010
EP-0036-C01 East Orange Dionne Warwick Institute - Emergent Work - Roof Repairs 02/25/2011 03/31/2011
EP-0038-C01 RB 2 Camden East Camden M.S. - Emergent Work - HVAC Replacement 04/24/2012 05/24/2012
EP-0041-C01 Newark South Street ES - Emergent Work - Exterior Masonry Repairs 07/27/2010 09/14/2010
EP-0043-C01 East Orange Hart MS - Emergent Work - Parapet Coping and Flashing Repairs 04/22/2010 05/13/2010
EP-0044-C01 Trenton Trenton Central H.S. - Emergent Work - Roof Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0044-C02 Trenton Trenton Central H.S. - Emergent Work - Roof Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0045-C01 Camden Camden High School - Emergent Work - Cooling Tower Replacement 10/20/2010 00/00/0000
EP-0046-C01 Camden Fetters E.S. - Emergent Work - Wall Repair 05/13/2010 00/00/0000
EP-0047-C01 East Orange Ecole T. Louverture E.S. - Emergent-Ceiling & Masonry Repair 04/15/2011 05/18/2011
EP-0047-C02 East Orange Ecole T. Louverture E.S. - Emergent-Ceiling & Masonry Repair 03/21/2013 04/12/2013
EP-0050-C01 RB 1 Irvington Union Avenue M.S. - Emergent Work - Boiler Replacement 03/24/2011 04/20/2011
EP-0051-C01 Trenton Trenton Central H.S. - Emergent Work - Pediment Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0052-C01 Garfield Garfield Midle School - Fence Replacement 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0053-C01 Neptune Neptune Midtown Community School - Lavatory Guard Replacement 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0055-C01 Paterson Don Bosco Prep - Emergent Temporary Boiler Installation 10/20/2010 00/00/0000
EP-0056-C01 RB 1 Camden R.C. Molina ES - Emergent Work - HVAC & Roof Replacement 03/25/2011 04/21/2011
EP-0057-C01 Newark Science Park HS 05/02/2011 05/27/2011
EP-0057-C02 RB 1 Newark Science Park HS 08/01/2011 09/13/2011
EP-0059-C01 Paterson Paterson - Boiler Replacement at Don Bosco Academy 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0060-C01 Jersey City Jersey City - PS #3 & MS #4 - Punchlist Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0061-C01 Orange Orange M.S. - Emergent Work - Roof and Masonry 03/20/2014 04/23/2014
EP-0062-C01 Paterson Paterson - PS #24 Return Air Duct Enclosures 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0063-C01 Paterson Paterson - International HS - Smoke Control Retrofit 06/01/2012 07/05/2012
EP-0064-C01 Harrison Washington MS - Emergent Work - Structural Repairs to Mechanical Room Ceiling 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0065-C01 Newark Flagg ES - Emergent Work - Roof & Exterior Door Replacement 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0065-C02 Newark Flagg ES - Emergent Work - Roof & Exterior Door Replacement 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0066-C01 RB 1 Newark Sussex Ave ES - Emergent Work - Boiler Replacement 01/28/2013 02/22/2013
EP-0067-C01 Newark Hawkins Street ES - Emergent Work - Boiler Replacement 12/06/2012 01/17/2013
EP-0068-C01 Newark Ridge Street ES - Emergent Work - Boiler Replacement 11/21/2012 12/20/2012
EP-0070-C01 Newark West Side HS - Emergent Work - Replace Switchgear on Electrical Service 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0071-C01 Paterson Roberto Clemente ES - Emergent Work - Power Quality and Corrective Work 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0072-C01 Trenton Central H.S. West - Emergent Work - Condensate Replacement 02/20/2013 03/21/2013
EP-0073-C01 Trenton Hegepeth-Williams School - Domestic Water Line Replacement 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0073-C02 Trenton Hegepeth-Williams School - Domestic Water Line Replacement 02/10/2016 03/31/2016
EP-0073-C03 Trenton Hegepeth-Williams School - Domestic Water Line Replacement 05/13/2016 06/17/2016
EP-0075-C01 West New York WNY PS #1 - Emergent Work - Courtyard Wall Structure Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0076-C01 West New York WNY PS #5 - Emergent Work - Courtyard Wall Structure Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0077-C01 Newark Wilson Ave ES - Emergent Work - Water Infiltration Repairs 06/01/2012 06/26/2012
EP-0078-C01 Bridgeton Broad Street ES - Emergent Work - Façade 03/16/2015 04/21/2015
EP-0080-C01 Camden Cramer ES - Emergent Work - Structural Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0082-C01 Camden Pyne Poynt Family MS - Emergent Work - Structural Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0083-C01 RB 1 Irvington Irvington HS 03/31/2015 05/05/2015
EP-0084-C01 Camden Sharp ES - Emergent Work - Roof Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0085-C01 Vineland Vineland H.S. South - Emergent Work - HVAC Replacement 03/16/2015 04/23/2015
EP-0086-C01 Irvington Emergent Work - Chancellor Avenue E.S. - Roof & Masonry Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0087-C01 Salem City Emergent Work - Salem M.S. - Exterior Masonry Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0088-C01 Irvington Emergent Work - Madison Avenue ES Roof Repair/Replacement 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0089-C01 Irvington Emergent Work - University Middle School 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0090-C01 Passaic City Emergent Work - School #12 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0092-C01 Passaic City School 11 - Emergent Work - Exterior Masonry Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0093-C01 Salem City Salem HS - Emergent Work - Roof Repairs/Replacement 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0095-C01 Burlington City Burlington City HS - HVAC Diagnosis, Design & Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0099-C01 Pemberton Concrete Repair 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0101-C01 Salem City Ceiling Repairs / Replacement 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0102-C01 Newark Newark - Luiz Munoz Marin ES/MS - Replace HVAC Heating/Cooling Units 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0103-C01 Newark Newark - Lafayette Street E.S. - Roof & Door Replacement 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0104-C01 Newark Chancellor Avenue E.S.- Emergent Work - Water Infiltration Repairs 04/10/2019 05/22/2019
EP-0105-C01 Bridgeton Bridgeton High School Building Envelope - Roof and Masonry Repairs 05/04/2020 06/17/2020
EP-0106-C01 Newark Emergent - Chimney Restoration/Removal 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0107-C01 Plainfield Plainfield High School 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0108-C01 Plainfield Plainfield H.S. - Boiler Room Roof Repairs 11/12/2021 01/12/2022
EP-0109-C02 Newark Cleveland ES - Boiler Room Vault Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0110-C01 Newark Roberto Clemente ES 12/15/2020 03/03/2021
EP-0111-C01 Newark Ivy Hill Elementary School 12/17/2020 03/10/2021
EP-0112-C03 Newark Technology HS - Boiler Room Vault and Façade Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0113-C01 Paterson PS #5 - Roof Replacement, Masonry & Window Repairs 02/12/2021 04/21/2021
EP-0114-C01 Newark Malcolm X. Shabazz H.S. 05/20/2021 07/22/2021
EP-0115-C01 Newark Harriet Tubman E.S. - Rehab of Facility 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0116-C01 Camden Veterans Family Memorial School 05/12/2023 07/11/2023
EP-0119-C01 Irvington Irvington-Grove Street ES Boiler Replacement 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0120-C01 Trenton Boiler Stack Replacement 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0121-C01 Union City Emerson MS - Roof Replacement and Stucco Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0122-C01 Burlington Windows Repair and Partial Roof Replacement 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0123-C01 East Orange Partial Roof Replacement and Masonry Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0124-C01 Newark Masonry Repointing and Repair 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0125-C01 Newark Exterior Masonry & Lintel Repair 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0126-C01 Newark Partial Roof Replacement 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
EP-0127-C01 Union City Roof Replacement, Exterior Masonry & Stucco Repairs, Structural Chimney Repairs 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
ES-0001-C01 Irvington Category 2 - University Six School 08/28/2003 10/02/2003
ES-0001-C02 Irvington Category 2 - University Six School 11/22/2004 01/18/2005
ES-0001-E01 Irvington Category 2 - University Six School 12/10/2004 01/19/2005
ES-0002-C01 East Orange SBE - Langston Hughes E.S. Technology Equipment 11/25/2003 12/22/2003
ES-0002-C02 RB 1 East Orange SBE - Langston Hughes E.S. Technology Equipment 07/27/2004 08/12/2004
ES-0002-C03 East Orange SBE - Langston Hughes E.S. Technology Equipment 10/05/2004 12/03/2004
ES-0003-C01 City of Orange Township New Elementary School - Main Street 04/10/2002 05/21/2002
ES-0003-C02 City of Orange Township New Elementary School - Main Street 08/29/2002 10/16/2002
ES-0004-C01 East Orange Clifford J. Scott H.S. Rehab 08/14/2003 09/08/2003
ES-0004-C02 East Orange Clifford J. Scott H.S. Rehab 09/29/2003 11/12/2003
ES-0004-C03 East Orange Clifford J. Scott H.S. Rehab 04/28/2008 05/20/2008
ES-0005-C01 East Orange Rehabilitation of the Wahlstrom Early Childhood Center 06/10/2002 07/12/2002
ES-0007-C01 RB 1 Orange Park Avenue Elementary School Renovation & Addition 06/30/2006 07/26/2006
ES-0007-C02 Orange Park Avenue Elementary School Renovation & Addition 03/01/2007 04/10/2007
ES-0007-P01 Orange Park Avenue Elementary School Renovation & Addition 02/21/2006 03/23/2006
ES-0008-C01 Orange Lincoln Ave. ES - (Our Lady of the Valley) 08/17/2007 10/11/2007
ES-0008-C02 RB 1 Orange Lincoln Ave. ES - (Our Lady of the Valley) 09/10/2007 10/04/2007
ES-0008-E01 Orange Lincoln Ave. ES - (Our Lady of the Valley) 01/07/2008 01/07/2008
ES-0008-P01 Orange Lincoln Ave. ES - (Our Lady of the Valley) 12/09/2005 01/11/2006
ES-0011-C01 Irvington Acquisition 04/15/2004 05/12/2004
ES-0013-C01 RB 1 East Orange Addition of New Auditorium to East Orange HS 06/18/2004 07/08/2004
ES-0015-C01 East Orange Roof Replacement and repairs to the existing curtain wall 05/21/2003 06/17/2003
ES-0018-C01 East Orange New Elementary School #5 11/25/2003 12/22/2003
ES-0018-C02 East Orange New Elementary School #5 09/20/2006 11/08/2006
ES-0018-P01 East Orange New Elementary School #5 12/19/2005 02/23/2006
ES-0020-C04 East Orange Mildred Barry Garvin E.S. 02/09/2006 04/05/2006
ES-0020-C05 East Orange Mildred Barry Garvin E.S. 05/22/2007 06/19/2007
ES-0021-N01 East Orange G.W. Carver Elementary School 04/26/2016 06/09/2016
ES-0022-C01 Irvington Augusta E.S. 06/24/2004 07/22/2004
ES-0022-C02 Irvington Augusta E.S. 06/24/2004 07/22/2004
ES-0022-C03 Irvington Augusta E.S. 02/08/2005 01/26/2005
ES-0022-C04 Irvington Augusta E.S. 02/09/2005 05/19/2005
ES-0022-C05 Irvington Augusta E.S. 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
ES-0022-P01 Irvington Augusta E.S. 06/24/2004 07/22/2004
ES-0023-C01 Irvington Special Education Counselor Offices 07/21/2004 08/25/2004
ES-0024-C01 City of Orange Central Elementary School 10/05/2004 12/09/2004
ES-0026-C01 Irvington Mt. Vernon ES 09/15/2004 12/07/2004
ES-0027-N01 RB 1 Irvington New Madison Avenue ES 11/19/2015 01/12/2016
ES-0029-E01 East Orange 3 East Orange Schools - Network Electronics 12/10/2004 01/18/2005
ES-0038-P02 Irvington Twp Irvington Middle School 12/07/2006 01/04/2007
ES-0039-C01 East Orange 4th Avenue Elementary School Gym Ceiling Replacement 05/31/2005 04/27/2005
ES-0042-C01 Orange Orange High School 10/12/2018 02/20/2019
ES-0043-C01 Orange Cleveland Street Elementary School 11/14/2018 02/14/2019
ES-0043-C02 Orange Cleveland Street Elementary School 01/30/2023 04/05/2023
ES-0043-N01 RB 1 Orange Cleveland Street Elementary School 02/21/2017 05/04/2017
ES-0043-N02 Orange Cleveland Street Elementary School 09/10/2018 10/23/2018
ET-0001-C01 Long Branch New Elementary School 09/05/2002 10/09/2002
ET-0002-C01 Barnegat Township Barnegat High School 09/05/2002 10/17/2002
ET-0002-C02 Barnegat Township Barnegat High School 06/21/2006 08/24/2006
ET-0002-T01 Barnegat Township Barnegat High School 09/29/2005 10/27/2005
ET-0003-C01 Long Branch New Middle School 02/21/2003 08/07/2003
ET-0003-T01 Long Branch New Middle School 08/30/2005 09/15/2005
ET-0004-C01 Neptune Township Rehabilitation of Early Childhood Center 01/21/2003 02/18/2003
ET-0006-C01 Asbury Park Additions to Bradley School 03/04/2003 04/11/2003
ET-0007-C01 RB 1 Plainfield Clinton E.S. Expanded Site Work 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
ET-0007-C02 Plainfield Clinton E.S. Expanded Site Work 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
ET-0007-C03 Plainfield Clinton E.S. Expanded Site Work 08/15/2003 11/12/2003
ET-0007-C04 Plainfield Clinton E.S. Expanded Site Work 07/18/2007 10/03/2007
ET-0007-J01 Plainfield Clinton E.S. Expanded Site Work 11/14/2008 12/23/2008
ET-0007-T01 Plainfield Clinton E.S. Expanded Site Work 08/03/2005 09/01/2005
ET-0008-C01 Perth Amboy Supplemental Advertisement-New Pre-Bid Meeting Information 02/26/2003 04/24/2003
ET-0009-C01 Perth Amboy New Early Childhood Center (Ignazio Cruz) 01/29/2003 04/03/2003
ET-0010-C01 Long Branch New Long Branch High School 09/04/2003 11/21/2003
ET-0011-P01 RB 1 Plainfield School District Temporary Elementary School/Existing Building 03/11/2003 03/17/2003
ET-0012-C01 Neptune Township Shark River Hills E.S. Additions/Renovations 08/21/2003 12/08/2003
ET-0012-C02 Neptune Township Shark River Hills E.S. Additions/Renovations 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
ET-0012-T01 Neptune Township Shark River Hills E.S. Additions/Renovations 11/22/2005 01/04/2006
ET-0013-C01 Neptune Township New Midtown Community Center 08/21/2003 11/13/2003
ET-0013-C02 Neptune Township New Midtown Community Center 11/26/2003 12/22/2003
ET-0013-E01 Neptune Township New Midtown Community Center 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
ET-0014-T01 Neptune Township Neptune Middle School Adds/Renovs 11/22/2005 01/04/2006
ET-0015-C01 Neptune Township Neptune High School Aquatic Center 02/26/2003 08/06/2003
ET-0015-C03 Neptune Township Neptune High School Aquatic Center 02/26/2003 04/17/2003
ET-0015-C04 Neptune Township Neptune High School Aquatic Center 05/13/2003 06/02/2003
ET-0015-C05 Neptune Township Neptune High School Aquatic Center 04/03/2008 05/14/2008
ET-0015-C06 Neptune Township Neptune High School Aquatic Center 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
ET-0015-P01 Neptune Township Neptune High School Aquatic Center 02/13/2003 03/03/2003
ET-0015-T01 Neptune Township Neptune High School Aquatic Center 11/21/2005 01/04/2006
ET-0018-C01 Plainfield Plainfield High School Addition/Renovations 10/29/2004 12/08/2004
ET-0020-C01 Manchester Manchester High School Addition/Alterations 04/28/2003 06/30/2003
ET-0021-C01 Manchester Whiting E.S. Addition/Renovations 07/11/2003 09/11/2003
ET-0022-C01 Manchester Manchester Middle School Additions/Alterations 04/28/2003 06/30/2003
ET-0024-C01 Perth Amboy Knitting factory (Blk 399, Lot 3.03 & 3.05) 04/12/2007 04/12/2007
ET-0024-E01 Perth Amboy Knitting factory (Blk 399, Lot 3.03 & 3.05) 12/10/2004 01/12/2005
ET-0024-P01 Perth Amboy Knitting factory (Blk 399, Lot 3.03 & 3.05) 03/23/2004 04/22/2004
ET-0026-C01 Neptune Township Green Grove E.S. 03/19/2003 07/08/2003
ET-0026-C02 Neptune Township Green Grove E.S. 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
ET-0026-T01 Neptune Township Green Grove E.S. 11/29/2005 01/11/2006
ET-0027-B01 Neptune Township Summerfield E.S. 06/27/2003 07/18/2003
ET-0027-C01 Neptune Township Summerfield E.S. 11/26/2003 12/22/2003
ET-0027-T01 RB 1 Neptune Township Summerfield E.S. 05/18/2006 06/13/2006
ET-0031-C01 Perth Amboy Seaman Avenue ES 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
ET-0034-P01 Perth Amboy Planned additions - demolition of present homes (abandoned) 11/14/2002 11/13/2002
ET-0040-C01 Asbury Park Renovation/Addition 09/28/2004 12/03/2004
ET-0041-C01 Asbury Park Thurgood Marshall ES 12/15/2003 01/16/2004
ET-0041-C02 Asbury Park Thurgood Marshall ES 09/15/2004 11/05/2004
ET-0041-C03 Asbury Park Thurgood Marshall ES 09/13/2006 10/26/2006
ET-0041-C04 Asbury Park Thurgood Marshall ES 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
ET-0043-C01 Long Branch New Gregory Elementary School 09/16/2004 11/16/2004
ET-0043-C02 Long Branch New Gregory Elementary School 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
ET-0043-E01 Long Branch New Gregory Elementary School 12/07/2004 01/14/2005
ET-0046-C01 RB 1 Plainfield SBE Set Aside - Evergreen ES, Hubbard MS, 02/25/2004 04/12/2004
ET-0046-C02 Plainfield SBE Set Aside - Evergreen ES, Hubbard MS, 03/23/2004 05/04/2004
ET-0049-C01 Plainfield Emerson ES Expanded Site Work, Playground & Parking Lot 10/04/2003 02/04/2004
ET-0049-J01 Plainfield Emerson ES Expanded Site Work, Playground & Parking Lot 02/03/2009 03/11/2009
ET-0049-P01 Plainfield Emerson ES Expanded Site Work, Playground & Parking Lot 08/21/2003 09/16/2003
ET-0049-P02 Plainfield Emerson ES Expanded Site Work, Playground & Parking Lot 10/29/2004 12/08/2004
ET-0052-C01 Neptune New 300 SF built on existing MS and HS campus, demolition of existing middle school, renovation 09/03/2003 11/24/2003
ET-0054-C01 RB 1 New Brunswick McKinley K Center 11/04/2005 01/10/2006
ET-0056-P01 New Brunswick Redshaw ES 08/23/2005 11/16/2005
ET-0061-N01 Keansburg Joseph C. Caruso E.S. 10/20/2011 11/22/2011
ET-0063-C01 Barnegat Township Russell Brackman MS Addition/Renovation 05/02/2006 06/08/2006
ET-0064-C01 Barnegat Township Ronald Reagan Elementary School 06/16/2006 08/03/2006
ET-0065-C01 RB 1 Barnegat Township Barnegat School Additions 06/10/2007 07/31/2007
ET-0068-C01 Long Branch G.L. Catrambone E.S. (formerly Elberon E.S.) 12/20/2011 03/09/2012
ET-0068-J01 Long Branch G.L. Catrambone E.S. (formerly Elberon E.S.) 03/25/2009 04/16/2009
ET-0069-C01 Perth Amboy Waters Field 01/07/2005 02/17/2005
ET-0077-E01 Asbury Park Asbury Park M.S./T. Marshall E-rate 12/07/2004 01/14/2005
ET-0079-E01 Neptune Summerfield ES/Neptune Community E-rate 12/07/2004 01/14/2005
ET-0080-E01 Long Branch New HS E-rate 12/07/2004 01/14/2005
ET-0081-E01 Plainfield Clinton/Emerson - Network Electronics 12/10/2004 01/12/2005
ET-0085-C01 Egg Harbor New PreK-1 11/09/2005 01/24/2006
ET-0086-C01 Egg Harbor New PreK-1 11/07/2005 02/09/2006
ET-0087-C01 Egg Harbor Egg Harbor Township High School 03/14/2008 04/25/2008
ET-0087-C02 Egg Harbor Egg Harbor Township High School 07/29/2008 07/29/2008
ET-0087-C03 Egg Harbor Egg Harbor Township High School 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
ET-0089-C01 Greater Egg Harbor Cedar Creek High School 04/04/2008 05/29/2008
ET-0089-C02 Greater Egg Harbor Cedar Creek High School 07/17/2012 08/15/2012
ET-0093-C01 Keansburg TCU Mold Remediation 09/28/2007 10/10/2007
ET-0096-C01 Egg Harbor City Charles L. Spragg E.S. Additions/Alterations 06/16/2008 07/24/2008
ET-0097-C01 Egg Harbor City Egg Harbor City - New 4-8 Elementary/Middle School 10/24/2008 12/18/2008
ET-0097-C02 Egg Harbor City Egg Harbor City - New 4-8 Elementary/Middle School 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
ET-0098-C01 Keansburg New Parking Lot for the Joseph C. Caruso ES 06/24/2019 10/03/2019
ET-0098-C02 Keansburg New Parking Lot for the Joseph C. Caruso ES 07/20/2023 09/20/2023
ET-0100-N01 RB 1 Plainfield New Plainfield Elementary School 05/23/2018 07/19/2018
ET-0102-N01 Pleasantville Pleasantville New Elementary School 03/13/2025 05/14/2025
GP-0080-P01 Various Demo Pool Contract 06/01/2007 00/00/0000
GP-0094-C01 Various Expedited HVAC Services Pool 06/27/2008 07/16/2008
GP-0094-C02 Various Expedited HVAC Services Pool 01/26/2010 02/16/2010
GP-0094-C03 Various Expedited HVAC Services Pool 06/22/2010 07/09/2010
GP-0094-C04 Various Expedited HVAC Services Pool 11/30/2010 12/22/2010
GP-0095-C01 Various Expedited Roofing Services Pool 06/27/2008 07/23/2008
GP-0095-C02 Various Expedited Roofing Services Pool 01/26/2010 02/16/2010
GP-0095-C03 Various Expedited Roofing Services Pool 06/22/2010 07/09/2010
GP-0095-C04 Various Expedited Roofing Services Pool 11/30/2010 12/22/2010
GP-0096-C01 N/A General Construction Services 07/14/2008 07/30/2008
GP-0125-J01 Various Demo Pool Contract 01/30/2009 02/13/2009
GP-0125-J29 Various Demo Pool Contract 07/16/2009 08/13/2009
GP-0125-J30 Various Demo Pool Contract 01/26/2010 02/16/2010
GP-0125-J31 Various Demo Pool Contract 07/06/2010 08/03/2010
GP-0127-C01 N/A General Construction Services Task Order 04/15/2009 05/20/2009
GP-0127-C10 N/A General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0172-C01 N/A General Construction Services 06/27/2011 07/14/2011
GP-0199-C01 N/A General Construction Services 07/12/2013 08/02/2013
GP-0199-C02 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C03 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C04 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C05 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C06 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C07 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C08 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C09 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C10 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C11 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C12 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C13 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C14 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C15 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C16 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C17 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C18 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C19 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C20 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C21 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C22 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C23 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C24 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C25 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C26 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C27 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C28 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C29 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C30 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C31 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C32 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C33 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C34 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C35 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C36 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C37 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0199-C38 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C01 N/A General Construction Services 05/20/2016 06/30/2016
GP-0231-C02 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C03 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C04 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C05 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C06 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C07 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C08 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C09 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C10 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C11 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C12 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C13 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C14 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C15 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C16 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C17 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C18 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C19 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C20 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C21 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C22 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C23 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C24 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C25 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C26 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C27 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C28 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C29 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C30 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C31 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C32 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C33 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C34 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C35 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C36 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C37 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C38 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0231-C39 N/A General Construction Services 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C01 N/A General Construction Task Order 06/13/2019 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C02 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C03 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C04 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C05 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C06 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C07 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C08 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C09 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C10 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C11 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C12 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C13 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C14 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C15 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C16 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C17 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C18 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C19 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0259-C20 N/A General Construction Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C01 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 06/30/2022 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C02 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C03 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C04 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C05 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C06 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C07 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C08 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C11 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C12 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C13 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C14 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C15 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C16 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C17 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C18 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C19 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C20 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C21 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C22 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C23 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C24 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
GP-0280-C25 State-Wide General Construction Services Task Order 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
HS-0001-C01 RB 1 Asbury Park Renovation 08/31/2001 00/00/0000
HS-0001-C02 Asbury Park Renovation 08/31/2001 09/28/2001
HS-0002-C01 Garfield Renovation 05/18/2001 06/14/2001
HS-0003-C01 Harrison Renovation 08/16/2001 09/07/2001
HS-0003-C02 Harrison Renovation 01/04/2002 01/24/2002
HS-0003-C03 Harrison Renovation 10/31/2001 11/13/2001
HS-0003-C04 Harrison Renovation 03/08/2002 03/26/2002
HS-0004-C01 Keansburg Renovation 05/11/2001 06/05/2001
HS-0005-C01 Neptune Twp Fire Alarm 05/11/2001 05/31/2001
HS-0006-C01 New Brunswick Boiler Work (CO1) & General Construction (CO2) 07/02/2001 07/18/2001
HS-0006-C02 New Brunswick Boiler Work (CO1) & General Construction (CO2) 11/19/2001 12/12/2001
HS-0007-C01 Bridgeton Roofing/Misc. 05/11/2001 05/31/2001
HS-0008-C01 Gloucester City C01 Roofing / C02 Boiler 05/11/2001 06/01/2001
HS-0008-C02 Gloucester City C01 Roofing / C02 Boiler 05/11/2001 06/28/2001
HS-0009-C01 Hoboken City Roofing/Misc. 05/19/2001 06/06/2001
HS-0010-C01 Irvington Roofing/Misc. 05/19/2001 09/06/2001
HS-0010-C02 Irvington Roofing/Misc. 08/13/2001 09/06/2001
HS-0011-C01 Long Branch City Roofing/Misc. 05/11/2001 08/09/2001
HS-0012-C01 Orange Roofing/Misc. 05/19/2001 08/27/2001
HS-0012-C02 Orange Roofing/Misc. 08/13/2001 08/27/2001
HS-0013-C01 Passaic City Roofing/Misc. 03/15/2002 04/05/2002
HS-0014-C01 Pemberton Roofing/Misc. 02/07/2002 03/07/2002
HS-0015-C01 Phillipsburg Town Roofing/Misc. 11/09/2001 11/26/2001
HS-0016-C01 Trenton City Roofing/Misc. 05/19/2001 06/13/2001
HS-0016-C02 Trenton City Roofing/Misc. 09/04/2001 09/20/2001
HS-0016-C03 Trenton City Roofing/Misc. 09/04/2001 09/20/2001
HS-0016-C04 Trenton City Roofing/Misc. 01/08/2002 01/31/2002
HS-0017-C01 Long Branch City Roofing/Misc. 05/11/2001 07/09/2001
HS-0018-C01 Pemberton Roofing/Misc. 05/19/2001 06/14/2001
HS-0019-C01 Bridgeton Roofing/Misc. 05/11/2001 06/05/2001
HS-0020-C01 Hoboken City Roofing/Misc. 05/19/2001 07/17/2001
HS-0021-C01 Passaic City Roofing/Misc. 03/13/2002 04/01/2002
HS-0023-C01 Plainfield City Full Scope 12/12/2001 01/11/2002
HS-0023-C02 Plainfield City Full Scope 12/13/2001 01/11/2002
HS-0023-C03 Plainfield City Full Scope 12/13/2001 01/11/2002
HS-0024-C02 Union City Front Exterior Door Replacement 10/30/2001 11/12/2001
HS-0024-C03 Union City Front Exterior Door Replacement 01/22/2002 02/08/2002
HS-0024-C04 Union City Front Exterior Door Replacement 01/04/2002 01/24/2002
HS-0024-C05 Union City Front Exterior Door Replacement 03/05/2002 03/21/2002
HS-0024-C06 Union City Front Exterior Door Replacement 01/22/2002 02/07/2002
HS-0025-C02 Elizabeth City Full Scope 12/12/2001 01/08/2002
HS-0025-C03 Elizabeth City Full Scope 01/23/2002 02/19/2002
HS-0025-C04 Elizabeth City Full Scope 01/23/2002 02/19/2002
HS-0027-C01 Millville City Full Scope 11/09/2001 11/28/2001
HS-0027-C02 Millville City Full Scope 11/09/2001 11/29/2001
HS-0027-C03 Millville City Full Scope 11/09/2001 11/30/2001
HS-0028-C01 Vineland City Full Scope 02/21/2002 05/06/2002
HS-0028-C02 Vineland City Full Scope 02/21/2002 03/12/2002
HS-0029-C01 Camden City Full Scope 01/29/2002 02/27/2002
HS-0030-C01 Camden City Full Scope 03/08/2002 04/02/2002
HS-0030-C02 Camden City Full Scope 03/08/2002 04/02/2002
HS-0031-C01 Jersey City Full Scope 07/25/2002 08/13/2002
HS-0032-C01 Jersey City Full Scope 03/18/2002 04/22/2002
HS-0033-C01 Gloucester City Design Services 06/26/2002 07/10/2002
HS-0033-C02 Gloucester City Design Services 07/19/2002 08/15/2002
HS-0034-C01 Long Branch Balance of Scope 01/16/2003 02/20/2003
HS-0035-C01 Long Branch Balance of Scope 01/28/2003 03/25/2003
HS-0036-C01 Newark Full Scope 09/25/2001 10/05/2001
HS-0036-C02 Newark Full Scope 01/23/2002 02/15/2002
HS-0037-C01 RB 1 Newark Full Scope 10/18/2002 11/18/2002
HS-0037-C02 Newark Full Scope 04/01/2002 02/15/2002
HS-0037-C03 Newark Full Scope 10/18/2002 11/18/2002
HS-0038-C01 Elizabeth Health and Safety 03/05/2002 03/28/2002
HS-0038-C02 Elizabeth Health and Safety 03/05/2002 03/28/2002
HS-0039-C01 Newark Emergency Roof Replacement 12/14/2001 01/07/2002
HS-0040-C01 RB 1 Bridgeton Health & Safety Improvements 03/07/2003 03/27/2003
HS-0041-C01 Bridgeton Health & Safety Improvements 11/13/2002 12/06/2002
HS-0042-C01 Jersey City Life Safety Upgrades 02/21/2002 03/15/2002
HS-0042-C02 Jersey City Life Safety Upgrades 07/12/2002 08/07/2002
HS-0042-C03 Jersey City Life Safety Upgrades 07/12/2002 08/06/2002
HS-0043-C01 Newark Health & Safety Improvements 04/23/2002 05/23/2002
HS-0044-C01 Newark Health & Safety 04/23/2002 05/23/2002
HS-0045-C01 Paterson Health & Safety Improvements 05/09/2002 06/11/2002
HS-0045-C02 Paterson Health & Safety Improvements 07/12/2002 08/08/2002
HS-0046-C02 Paterson Health & Safety Improvements 09/19/2002 10/08/2002
HS-0047-C02 Paterson Misc. Upgrades 04/16/2002 05/17/2002
HS-0048-C02 Paterson Health & Safety Improvements 06/17/2002 07/19/2002
HS-0049-C01 Paterson Health & Safety Improvements 03/25/2002 04/15/2002
HS-0049-C02 Paterson Health & Safety Improvements 05/03/2002 06/04/2002
HS-0050-C01 Camden Health & Safety Improvements 08/26/2002 09/12/2002
HS-0051-C01 Camden Health & Safety Improvements 07/03/2002 07/19/2002
HS-0051-C02 Camden Health & Safety Improvements 05/31/2002 06/19/2002
HS-0051-C03 Camden Health & Safety Improvements 05/31/2002 06/19/2002
HS-0052-C01 Camden Health & Safety Improvements 07/25/2002 08/14/2002
HS-0052-C02 Camden Health & Safety Improvements 05/31/2002 06/19/2002
HS-0053-C01 Elizabeth Health & Safety Improvements 02/27/2002 04/04/2002
HS-0053-C02 Elizabeth Health & Safety Improvements 03/25/2002 07/03/2002
HS-0053-C03 Elizabeth Health & Safety Improvements 03/25/2002 06/07/2002
HS-0053-C04 Elizabeth Health & Safety Improvements 03/28/2002 04/23/2002
HS-0054-C01 Elizabeth Health & Safety Improvements 02/27/2002 04/04/2002
HS-0054-C02 Elizabeth Health & Safety Improvements 04/17/2002 05/02/2002
HS-0054-C03 Elizabeth Health & Safety Improvements 08/14/2002 09/12/2002
HS-0055-C01 East Orange Health & Safety Improvement 05/31/2002 06/21/2002
HS-0056-C01 East Orange Health & Safety Improvements 05/02/2002 06/04/2002
HS-0057-C01 Long Branch Balance of Scope 12/09/2002 01/09/2003
HS-0057-C02 Long Branch Balance of Scope 01/17/2003 02/13/2003
HS-0058-C01 Long Branch Balance of Scope 12/10/2002 01/22/2003
HS-0059-C01 Jersey City Health & Safety Improvements 03/12/2002 03/28/2002
HS-0059-C02 Jersey City Health & Safety Improvements 03/20/2002 04/19/2002
HS-0059-C03 Jersey City Health & Safety Improvements 03/20/2002 04/10/2002
HS-0059-C05 Jersey City Health & Safety Improvements 04/04/2002 04/22/2002
HS-0059-C06 Jersey City Health & Safety Improvements 07/17/2002 08/05/2002
HS-0059-C07 Jersey City Health & Safety Improvements 07/17/2002 08/05/2002
HS-0059-C08 Jersey City Health & Safety Improvements 07/17/2002 08/06/2002
HS-0060-C01 Burlington City School District Health and Safety 09/18/2002 10/22/2002
HS-0060-C02 RB 1 Burlington City School District Health and Safety 05/12/2003 06/05/2003
HS-0061-C01 Hoboken Health & Safety Project 11/07/2002 12/03/2002
HS-0061-C02 Hoboken Health & Safety Project 07/09/2002 07/30/2002
HS-0061-C04 Hoboken Health & Safety Project 06/06/2002 06/27/2002
HS-0062-C01 Newark Life Safety Upgrades 10/15/2002 11/12/2002
HS-0062-C02 Newark Life Safety Upgrades 10/15/2002 11/22/2002
HS-0062-C03 Newark Life Safety Upgrades 06/05/2002 06/25/2002
HS-0062-C04 Newark Life Safety Upgrades 10/15/2002 11/12/2002
HS-0062-C05 RB 1 Newark Life Safety Upgrades 01/13/2003 02/03/2003
HS-0062-C06 Newark Life Safety Upgrades 10/15/2002 11/12/2002
HS-0062-C07 Newark Life Safety Upgrades 01/15/2003 02/04/2003
HS-0063-C01 RB 1 Newark Life Safety Upgrades 11/04/2002 11/25/2002
HS-0063-C02 Newark Life Safety Upgrades 06/21/2002 07/18/2002
HS-0063-C03 Newark Life Safety Upgrades 10/15/2002 11/22/2002
HS-0063-C04 Newark Life Safety Upgrades 11/01/2002 11/25/2002
HS-0064-C01 Newark Life and Safety Upgrade 04/23/2002 05/21/2002
HS-0065-C01 Newark Life Safety Upgrade 04/25/2002 05/30/2002
HS-0065-C02 Newark Life Safety Upgrade 05/10/2002 05/29/2002
HS-0065-C03 RB 1 Newark Life Safety Upgrade 11/01/2002 11/21/2002
HS-0066-C01 Newark Health and Safety 04/17/2002 05/16/2002
HS-0067-C01 RB 2 Newark Design Services 02/28/2003 03/18/2003
HS-0068-C01 Newark Misc. Upgrades 04/23/2002 05/16/2002
HS-0069-C01 Newark Misc. Upgrades 05/10/2002 05/29/2002
HS-0070-C01 Jersey City Health and Safety 06/20/2002 07/12/2002
HS-0070-C02 Jersey City Health and Safety 05/21/2002 06/20/2002
HS-0070-C03 Jersey City Health and Safety 05/22/2002 06/20/2002
HS-0070-C04 Jersey City Health and Safety 05/21/2002 06/12/2002
HS-0070-C05 Jersey City Health and Safety 04/07/2003 05/05/2003
HS-0071-C01 Jersey City Health and Safety 04/18/2002 06/04/2002
HS-0071-C02 Jersey City Health and Safety 04/18/2002 05/22/2002
HS-0071-C03 Jersey City Health and Safety 05/22/2002 06/20/2002
HS-0072-C01 Jersey City Health and Safety 07/29/2002 08/22/2002
HS-0072-C02 Jersey City Health and Safety 05/23/2002 06/24/2002
HS-0072-C03 Jersey City Health and Safety 06/12/2002 07/08/2002
HS-0072-C04 Jersey City Health and Safety 06/12/2002 07/02/2002
HS-0073-C01 Jersey City SEE ADVERTISEMENT JE-0023-C01 05/03/2002 06/24/2002
HS-0073-C02 Jersey City SEE ADVERTISEMENT JE-0023-C01 05/23/2002 06/21/2002
HS-0073-C03 Jersey City SEE ADVERTISEMENT JE-0023-C01 07/31/2002 08/21/2002
HS-0073-C04 Jersey City SEE ADVERTISEMENT JE-0023-C01 07/29/2002 08/20/2002
HS-0073-C06 Jersey City SEE ADVERTISEMENT JE-0023-C01 04/10/2003 05/06/2003
HS-0074-C01 Paterson Health and Safety 07/12/2002 07/16/2002
HS-0074-C03 Paterson Health and Safety 06/24/2002 07/24/2002
HS-0074-C04 RB 1 Paterson Health and Safety 11/18/2002 12/17/2002
HS-0074-C05 Paterson Health and Safety 01/28/2003 02/25/2003
HS-0074-C06 Paterson Health and Safety 01/28/2003 02/25/2003
HS-0074-C07 Paterson Health and Safety 01/28/2003 02/25/2003
HS-0074-C08 Paterson Health and Safety 01/27/2003 02/25/2003
HS-0074-C09 Paterson Health and Safety 01/28/2003 02/25/2003
HS-0075-C01 RB 1 Paterson Health and Safety 11/14/2002 12/06/2002
HS-0075-C02 Paterson Health and Safety 07/12/2002 07/30/2002
HS-0075-C03 RB 1 Paterson Health and Safety 02/06/2003 03/19/2003
HS-0075-C04 Paterson Health and Safety 09/09/2002 09/26/2002
HS-0075-C05 Paterson Health and Safety 06/18/2002 07/26/2002
HS-0075-C06 RB 1 Paterson Health and Safety 02/04/2003 03/04/2003
HS-0075-C07 Paterson Health and Safety 06/20/2002 08/07/2002
HS-0075-C08 Paterson Health and Safety 10/29/2002 11/20/2002
HS-0075-C09 Paterson Health and Safety 11/18/2002 12/16/2002
HS-0075-C10 Paterson Health and Safety 02/06/2003 03/19/2003
HS-0075-C11 RB 1 Paterson Health and Safety 05/13/2003 06/04/2003
HS-0075-C12 RB 1 Paterson Health and Safety 04/15/2003 05/08/2003
HS-0075-C13 Paterson Health and Safety 02/06/2003 03/20/2003
HS-0075-C14 Paterson Health and Safety 02/06/2003 03/20/2003
HS-0075-C15 Paterson Health and Safety 02/04/2003 03/04/2003
HS-0075-C16 Paterson Health and Safety 02/06/2003 03/04/2003
HS-0075-C17 Paterson Health and Safety 02/04/2003 03/04/2003
HS-0075-C18 Paterson Health and Safety 02/05/2003 03/04/2003
HS-0076-C02 Paterson Health and Safety 08/08/2002 08/27/2002
HS-0076-C03 Paterson Health and Safety 09/19/2002 10/11/2002
HS-0076-C04 Paterson Health and Safety 02/14/2003 03/14/2003
HS-0076-C05 Paterson Health and Safety 07/03/2002 08/09/2002
HS-0076-C06 Paterson Health and Safety 07/03/2002 07/26/2002
HS-0076-C07 Paterson Health and Safety 09/19/2002 10/09/2002
HS-0076-C08 Paterson Health and Safety 09/19/2002 10/10/2002
HS-0076-C09 Paterson Health and Safety 09/19/2002 10/17/2002
HS-0076-C10 Paterson Health and Safety 02/14/2003 03/14/2003
HS-0076-C11 Paterson Health and Safety 02/14/2003 03/14/2003
HS-0076-C12 Paterson Health and Safety 02/14/2003 03/14/2003
HS-0076-C13 Paterson Health and Safety 02/14/2003 03/14/2003
HS-0076-C14 Paterson Health and Safety 02/14/2003 03/14/2003
HS-0077-C01 Elizabeth Health and Safety 05/03/2002 05/20/2002
HS-0077-C02 Elizabeth Health and Safety 05/03/2002 05/20/2002
HS-0077-C03 Elizabeth Health and Safety 05/03/2002 05/20/2002
HS-0077-C04 Elizabeth Health and Safety 05/03/2002 06/24/2002
HS-0078-C01 Elizabeth Health and Safety 05/06/2002 05/24/2002
HS-0078-C02 Elizabeth Health and Safety 05/06/2002 05/24/2002
HS-0078-C03 Elizabeth Health and Safety 08/14/2002 08/30/2002
HS-0078-C04 Elizabeth Health and Safety 05/06/2002 05/24/2002
HS-0078-C05 Elizabeth Health and Safety 08/16/2002 09/05/2002
HS-0078-C06 Elizabeth Health and Safety 08/14/2002 09/09/2002
HS-0079-C01 Elizabeth Health and Safety 05/06/2002 05/23/2002
HS-0079-C02 Elizabeth Health and Safety 05/06/2002 05/23/2002
HS-0079-C03 Elizabeth Health and Safety 05/06/2002 05/23/2002
HS-0079-C04 Elizabeth Health and Safety 05/06/2002 05/23/2002
HS-0080-C01 Camden Health and Safety 08/30/2002 10/02/2002
HS-0080-C02 Camden Health and Safety 08/30/2002 10/02/2002
HS-0080-C03 RB 2 Camden Health and Safety 03/24/2003 05/01/2003
HS-0080-C04 RB 1 Camden Health and Safety 01/23/2003 02/18/2003
HS-0081-C01 RB 1 Camden Health and Safety 01/23/2003 02/19/2003
HS-0081-C02 Camden Health and Safety 10/29/2002 11/14/2002
HS-0082-C01 Camden Health and Safety 11/18/2002 12/16/2002
HS-0082-C02 Camden Health and Safety 11/19/2002 12/16/2002
HS-0082-C03 Camden Health and Safety 11/19/2002 12/16/2002
HS-0083-C01 Camden Health and Safety 10/31/2002 11/22/2002
HS-0083-C02 Camden Health and Safety 10/31/2002 11/22/2002
HS-0083-C03 Camden Health and Safety 10/31/2002 11/25/2002
HS-0084-C01 Camden Health and Safety 11/19/2002 12/09/2002
HS-0084-C02 Camden Health and Safety 11/19/2002 12/11/2002
HS-0084-C03 Camden Health and Safety 11/19/2002 12/09/2002
HS-0085-C01 Trenton Balance of Work 10/03/2002 10/29/2002
HS-0086-C01 Trenton School District Health and Safety 09/16/2002 10/21/2002
HS-0086-C02 Trenton School District Health and Safety 10/15/2002 11/15/2002
HS-0086-C03 Trenton School District Health and Safety 11/01/2002 12/13/2002
HS-0087-C01 Pleasantville Health and Safety 11/18/2002 12/19/2002
HS-0088-C01 Elizabeth Windows 05/03/2002 05/17/2002
HS-0088-C02 Elizabeth Windows 05/03/2002 05/17/2002
HS-0088-C03 Elizabeth Windows 05/03/2002 05/17/2002
HS-0088-C04 Elizabeth Windows 06/05/2002 07/11/2002
HS-0088-C05 Elizabeth Windows 06/06/2002 07/11/2002
HS-0089-C01 East Orange Health and Safety 07/29/2002 09/05/2002
HS-0089-C02 East Orange Health and Safety 07/29/2002 09/04/2002
HS-0089-C05 East Orange Health and Safety 09/16/2002 10/01/2002
HS-0090-C01 Orange Health and Safety 09/16/2002 10/07/2002
HS-0090-C02 Orange Health and Safety 09/16/2002 10/07/2002
HS-0090-C03 RB 1 Orange Health and Safety 11/04/2002 11/21/2002
HS-0090-C04 RB 1 Orange Health and Safety 12/31/2002 01/24/2003
HS-0091-C01 Orange Health and Safety 06/10/2002 06/26/2002
HS-0092-C01 Orange Health and Safety 06/10/2002 06/26/2002
HS-0093-C01 Irvington Health and Safety 09/19/2002 10/04/2002
HS-0093-C02 Irvington Health and Safety 07/31/2002 09/05/2002
HS-0093-C03 Irvington Health and Safety 10/03/2002 10/18/2002
HS-0093-C04 Irvington Health and Safety 10/10/2002 10/28/2002
HS-0093-C05 Irvington Health and Safety 09/27/2002 10/18/2002
HS-0094-C01 Irvington School District Health and Safety 09/23/2002 10/10/2002
HS-0094-C02 Irvington School District Health and Safety 10/04/2002 10/22/2002
HS-0094-C03 Irvington School District Health and Safety 10/04/2002 10/22/2002
HS-0094-C04 Irvington School District Health and Safety 10/10/2002 10/28/2002
HS-0094-C05 Irvington School District Health and Safety 10/10/2002 10/28/2002
HS-0094-C06 Irvington School District Health and Safety 11/01/2002 11/15/2002
HS-0095-C01 West New York Health & Safety Projects 05/20/2002 06/10/2002
HS-0096-C01 West New York Health and Safety 05/20/2002 06/05/2002
HS-0096-C02 West New York Health and Safety 05/20/2002 06/05/2002
HS-0096-C03 West New York Health and Safety 08/14/2002 08/29/2002
HS-0096-C04 West New York Health and Safety 05/20/2002 06/05/2002
HS-0096-C05 West New York Health and Safety 01/31/2003 03/04/2003
HS-0097-C01 Union City Health and Safety 05/07/2002 06/03/2002
HS-0098-C01 Garfield Health & Safety 01/27/2003 02/19/2003
HS-0099-C01 RB 1 Hoboken Health and Safety Projects 11/07/2002 12/03/2002
HS-0099-C02 Hoboken Health and Safety Projects 09/20/2002 10/18/2002
HS-0100-C01 Hoboken Health & Safety 06/07/2002 06/27/2002
HS-0100-C02 Hoboken Health & Safety 06/07/2002 07/02/2002
HS-0100-C03 Hoboken Health & Safety 06/27/2002 07/17/2002
HS-0100-C04 Hoboken Health & Safety 06/27/2002 07/17/2002
HS-0101-C01 Passaic School District Health and Safety 08/23/2002 09/24/2002
HS-0101-C02 Passaic School District Health and Safety 09/05/2002 10/29/2002
HS-0101-C03 Passaic School District Health and Safety 09/23/2002 10/21/2002
HS-0102-C01 Passaic Health and Safety 09/11/2002 09/27/2002
HS-0103-C01 Passaic Health and Safety 07/30/2002 08/16/2002
HS-0104-C01 Phillipsburg School District Health and Safety 09/11/2002 10/07/2002
HS-0104-C02 Phillipsburg School District Health and Safety 09/18/2002 10/15/2002
HS-0105-C01 Phillipsburg School District Health and Safety 06/28/2002 07/26/2002
HS-0106-C01 Pemberton Township Health and Safety Balance of Work 01/27/2003 02/20/2003
HS-0107-C01 Pemberton School District Health and Safety 12/02/2002 01/02/2003
HS-0107-C02 Pemberton School District Health and Safety 12/02/2002 12/27/2002
HS-0107-C03 Pemberton School District Health and Safety 01/27/2003 02/19/2003
HS-0108-C01 Vineland School District Health and Safety 10/11/2002 11/15/2002
HS-0108-C02 Vineland School District Health and Safety 09/19/2002 10/18/2002
HS-0108-C03 Vineland School District Health and Safety 03/04/2003 03/26/2003
HS-0109-C01 Perth Amboy Health and Safety 05/22/2002 06/19/2002
HS-0109-C02 Perth Amboy Health and Safety 09/19/2002 10/15/2002
HS-0110-C01 Perth Amboy Health and Safety 06/11/2002 07/11/2002
HS-0110-C02 Perth Amboy Health and Safety 06/11/2002 07/09/2002
HS-0111-C01 Millville Health & Safety - Balance of Work 01/16/2003 02/11/2003
HS-0111-C02 Millville Health & Safety - Balance of Work 01/30/2003 03/17/2003
HS-0111-C03 Millville Health & Safety - Balance of Work 01/31/2003 03/13/2003
HS-0111-C04 Millville Health & Safety - Balance of Work 01/31/2003 03/21/2003
HS-0111-C05 Millville Health & Safety - Balance of Work 01/30/2003 03/10/2003
HS-0111-C06 Millville Health & Safety - Balance of Work 02/24/2003 03/21/2003
HS-0112-C01 Newark Newark Schools 03/20/2002 04/11/2002
HS-0112-C02 Newark Newark Schools 10/31/2002 11/26/2002
HS-0112-C03 Newark Newark Schools 01/15/2003 02/03/2003
HS-0112-C04 Newark Newark Schools 10/31/2002 11/26/2002
HS-0113-C01 Newark Window Replacement at 4 Schools 05/14/2002 06/06/2002
HS-0115-C01 Newark Window Replacement at 5 Schools 05/14/2002 06/06/2002
HU-0001-C02 RB 1 Harrison Harrison High School Expanded Site Work 08/12/2004 09/15/2004
HU-0001-C03 RB 1 Harrison Harrison High School Expanded Site Work 08/12/2004 09/15/2004
HU-0001-C04 Harrison Harrison High School Expanded Site Work 06/30/2004 10/18/2004
HU-0001-C05 Harrison Harrison High School Expanded Site Work 02/24/2005 05/24/2005
HU-0001-P01 Harrison Harrison High School Expanded Site Work 05/02/2007 05/24/2007
HU-0002-C01 West New York New Middle School 05/29/2002 07/02/2002
HU-0003-C01 Union City New Monastery Middle School 05/02/2002 06/06/2002
HU-0003-C02 Union City New Monastery Middle School 03/08/2005 05/26/2005
HU-0004-C01 Union City SBE SET-ASIDE New Schlemm Early Childhood Center 09/15/2004 11/09/2004
HU-0004-P01 Union City SBE SET-ASIDE New Schlemm Early Childhood Center 06/23/2004 07/30/2004
HU-0005-N01 RB 1 West New York Harry L. Bain E.S. (PS #6) 05/08/2012 06/01/2012
HU-0006-C02 West New York New ES to replace PS 3 11/16/2006 01/11/2007
HU-0007-C01 West New York New PS 4 10/05/2004 11/22/2004
HU-0008-P01 Union City Magnet School Demolition 12/13/2006 01/17/2007
HU-0011-P01 Union City New elementary school #2 11/02/2006 11/30/2006
HU-0012-C01 Union City Elementary School # 3 06/26/2009 08/04/2009
HU-0012-P01 RB 1 Union City Elementary School # 3 02/09/2005 03/10/2005
HU-0015-C01 West New York Addition/Renovation to PS #2 ES 05/15/2007 07/10/2007
HU-0018-C01 Irvington University 6 06/23/2004 07/20/2004
HU-0018-C02 Irvington University 6 06/24/2004 07/19/2004
HU-0018-P01 Irvington University 6 06/24/2004 07/19/2004
HU-0021-E01 West New York #3 ES/#4 ES/Harry L. Bain ES #6 E-rate 12/10/2004 01/13/2005
HU-0022-E01 Union City ES #2/New ES Columbus/Schlemm ECC E-rate 12/10/2004 01/13/2005
HU-0023-E01 Hoboken Salvatore Calabro #4 E-rate 12/10/2004 01/19/2005
HU-0026-C01 West New York Harry L. Bain PS #6 12/29/2015 03/08/2016
HU-0027-C01 Harrison Harrison New ES 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
HU-0027-N01 Harrison Harrison New ES 11/10/2015 01/06/2016
HU-0029-N01 Union City New Middle School (Gr. 7-9) 05/19/2021 07/14/2021
HU-0030-N01 West New York New Middle School 01/10/2025 03/12/2025
JE-0001-C01 Jersey City New Heights Middle School 03/21/2003 10/01/2003
JE-0001-C02 Jersey City New Heights Middle School 05/05/2003 07/07/2003
JE-0002-P01 Jersey City New PS3 Elementary School 07/17/2002 08/14/2002
JE-0003-C01 Jersey City New PS3 Middle School 12/13/2002 02/05/2003
JE-0004-C01 Jersey City Renovations for the Freshman Academy 05/05/2003 08/15/2003
JE-0004-P01 Jersey City Renovations for the Freshman Academy 03/13/2003 04/10/2003
JE-0010-C01 Jersey City PS #20 Elementary School 03/06/2013 07/02/2013
JE-0010-N01 Jersey City PS #20 Elementary School 04/17/2012 05/16/2012
JE-0013-C01 Jersey City School District ECC#9 09/16/2003 10/27/2003
JE-0014-P01 Jersey City Abatement/Demolition and Site Improvements 02/15/2007 03/21/2007
JE-0015-C02 Jersey City Design Services 05/05/2003 05/29/2003
JE-0016-C01 Jersey City PS #3 & MS #4 02/07/2003 08/08/2003
JE-0016-C02 Jersey City PS #3 & MS #4 03/25/2003 05/15/2003
JE-0016-C04 Jersey City PS #3 & MS #4 03/26/2013 04/19/2013
JE-0016-T01 Jersey City PS #3 & MS #4 06/03/2005 06/21/2005
JE-0021-N01 Jersey City Elementary School No. 3 06/25/2012 08/01/2012
JE-0022-C01 Jersey City Ferris H.S. Renovations 04/22/2004 06/30/2004
JE-0023-C01 RB 2 Jersey City Terra Cotta Restoration 06/04/2003 07/10/2003
JE-0024-C01 Jersey City Ferris HS HVAC Upgrade 05/30/2003 08/12/2003
JE-0028-N01 Jersey City ECC #13 07/28/2011 08/26/2011
JE-0028-P01 Jersey City ECC #13 03/28/2007 04/11/2007
JE-0028-P02 Jersey City ECC #13 10/03/2008 11/06/2008
JE-0032-C01 RB 1 Jersey City Boiler replacements 12/02/2004 12/28/2004
JE-0032-C02 Jersey City Boiler replacements 12/02/2004 12/28/2004
JE-0032-C03 Jersey City Boiler replacements 10/13/2004 11/19/2004
JE-0032-C04 Jersey City Boiler replacements 12/02/2004 12/28/2004
JE-0034-C01 Jersey City PS #34 Façade Repairs 08/02/2006 08/31/2006
JE-0035-E01 Jersey City Heights MS 7/#20 ES-PS20/New MS4/New PS 3 ES/#14 ES-PS/#24 ES-PS 24 E-rate 12/10/2004 01/13/2005
JE-0039-J01 Jersey City 160-180 Maple Street 05/22/2009 06/16/2009
JE-0039-N01 Jersey City 160-180 Maple Street 05/06/2015 06/09/2015
JE-0040-P01 Jersey City Demolition Work at PS #12, PS #14, PS #20 04/03/2007 05/03/2007
NE-0001-C01 Newark Science Park H.S. 09/16/2003 01/13/2004
NE-0001-C02 Newark Science Park H.S. 03/01/2017 04/18/2017
NE-0001-E01 Newark Science Park H.S. 12/10/2004 01/18/2005
NE-0001-P01 RB 2 Newark Science Park H.S. 06/26/2003 07/16/2003
NE-0001-T01 Newark Science Park H.S. 06/20/2006 07/06/2006
NE-0002-C01 Newark New School 11/05/2004 11/30/2004
NE-0002-C02 Newark New School 02/02/2005 06/02/2005
NE-0002-P01 Newark New School 12/29/2003 02/20/2004
NE-0003-J01 Newark South Street Elementary School 01/29/2009 03/03/2009
NE-0003-N01 RB 1 Newark South Street Elementary School 09/17/2013 10/22/2013
NE-0008-C01 RB 1 Newark West Side High School 12/02/2004 12/16/2004
NE-0008-C02 RB 1 Newark West Side High School 12/02/2004 12/16/2004
NE-0008-N01 Newark West Side High School 10/08/2014 11/07/2014
NE-0008-P01 Newark West Side High School 10/14/2004 12/10/2004
NE-0009-C01 RB 2 Newark Speedway Elementary School 05/22/2006 06/20/2006
NE-0009-C02 Newark Speedway Elementary School 06/21/2007 08/07/2007
NE-0009-E01 Newark Speedway Elementary School 01/07/2008 01/07/2008
NE-0009-P01 RB 2 Newark Speedway Elementary School 07/28/2006 08/10/2006
NE-0010-C02 Newark Formerly New North Ward Park School 08/14/2007 10/03/2007
NE-0010-E01 Newark Formerly New North Ward Park School 01/07/2008 01/07/2008
NE-0010-P01 RB 1 Newark Formerly New North Ward Park School 05/22/2006 06/21/2006
NE-0013-J01 Newark Oliver Street Elementary School 01/29/2009 03/05/2009
NE-0013-N01 Newark Oliver Street Elementary School 06/27/2012 08/02/2012
NE-0014-C01 Newark Boiler replacement 06/18/2003 07/09/2003
NE-0014-C02 Newark Boiler replacement 07/24/2003 08/07/2003
NE-0015-C01 RB 2 Newark McKinley E.S. 03/02/2006 04/11/2006
NE-0018-P01 Newark SBE - Demo & Site Remediation 06/26/2006 07/20/2006
NE-0023-P01 Newark Ridge Street School PK-8 05/02/2006 06/14/2006
NE-0037-C01 RB 1 Newark Wilson Avenue ES Underground Elec. Service 10/07/2004 11/10/2004
NE-0037-C02 RB 1 Newark Wilson Avenue ES Underground Elec. Service 10/11/2005 12/13/2005
NE-0043-E01 Newark 7 Newark Schools - Network Electronics 12/10/2004 01/18/2005
NE-0048-P01 Newark Demo/Remediation of Properties for New University High School 09/25/2006 10/26/2006
NE-0048-P02 Newark Demo/Remediation of Properties for New University High School 12/27/2006 02/07/2007
NE-0052-C01 Newark Lafayette Street School - Emergent Repairs 07/11/2007 08/21/2007
NE-0053-C01 Newark Avon Avenue School - Emergent Repairs 11/20/2007 11/20/2007
NE-0055-C01 Newark Sussex Avenue School Renovations 01/24/2007 03/01/2007
NE-0056-C01 Newark 13th Avenue School Renovations 07/20/2007 08/16/2007
NE-0059-C01 Newark Maple Avenue E.S. Emergent Work 08/01/2007 08/22/2007
NE-0060-C01 Newark Franklin Street ES Emergent Work 07/12/2007 08/08/2007
NE-0061-C01 Newark George Washington Carver ES Emergent Work 12/04/2006 12/13/2006
NE-0061-C02 Newark George Washington Carver ES Emergent Work 02/21/2007 03/21/2007
NE-0063-C01 Newark Branch Brook ES Emergent Work 05/25/2007 06/21/2007
NE-0064-C01 Newark Vailsburg MS Emergent Work 06/01/2007 06/28/2007
NE-0067-J01 Newark Elliott Street Elementary School 05/08/2009 05/28/2009
NE-0067-P01 RB 1 Newark Elliott Street Elementary School 01/18/2008 02/26/2008
NE-0067-P02 Newark Elliott Street Elementary School 04/09/2008 05/28/2008
NT-0001-C01 Garfield Garfield Middle School 04/13/2004 07/13/2004
NT-0001-C02 Garfield Garfield Middle School 04/16/2004 07/13/2004
NT-0001-T01 Garfield Garfield Middle School 06/19/2006 07/18/2006
NT-0002-C01 RB 1 Phillipsburg Phillipsburg ECC 03/16/2004 04/05/2004
NT-0002-T01 Phillipsburg Phillipsburg ECC 11/07/2005 12/15/2005
NT-0003-C01 Phillipsburg Phillipsburg High School 12/20/2004 02/23/2005
NT-0003-C02 RB 1 Phillipsburg Phillipsburg High School 02/11/2013 03/13/2013
NT-0003-C03 Phillipsburg Phillipsburg High School 05/19/2011 06/17/2011
NT-0003-C04 Phillipsburg Phillipsburg High School 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
NT-0003-N01 Phillipsburg Phillipsburg High School 08/11/2009 09/09/2009
NT-0004-C01 Passaic Addition/Renovation to Mario Drago Elementary School #3 11/07/2002 12/23/2002
NT-0005-C01 Passaic Addition/Renovations to Martin Luther King Elementary School #6 08/02/2002 09/24/2002
NT-0006-C01 Passaic Addition/Renovations to Grant Elementary School #7 01/28/2003 03/05/2003
NT-0008-C01 RB 1 Garfield Garfield - Early Childhood Center 06/09/2003 06/24/2003
NT-0013-P01 Passaic City Dayton Avenue and Henry Street Elementary Schools 11/22/2004 12/20/2004
NT-0014-C02 Garfield James Madison E.S. #10 10/05/2004 11/18/2004
NT-0014-C03 Garfield James Madison E.S. #10 06/30/2015 09/24/2015
NT-0014-J01 Garfield James Madison E.S. #10 02/24/2009 03/24/2009
NT-0014-N01 Garfield James Madison E.S. #10 01/07/2010 02/09/2010
NT-0014-N02 RB 1 Garfield James Madison E.S. #10 02/19/2014 03/18/2014
NT-0019-C01 Passaic Henry Street Elementary School 02/28/2006 06/15/2006
NT-0019-C02 RB 1 Passaic Henry Street Elementary School 08/11/2009 09/23/2009
NT-0022-C01 Hoboken Calabro E.S. 09/22/2004 10/26/2004
NT-0022-C02 Hoboken Calabro E.S. 10/13/2004 11/03/2004
NT-0022-C03 Hoboken Calabro E.S. 03/29/2006 05/30/2006
NT-0032-C01 Clark Kumpf, Johnson, Valley, Hehnly 04/02/2004 05/20/2004
NT-0032-C02 Clark Kumpf, Johnson, Valley, Hehnly 04/02/2004 05/20/2004
NT-0032-C03 Clark Kumpf, Johnson, Valley, Hehnly 04/02/2004 05/20/2004
NT-0032-C04 Clark Kumpf, Johnson, Valley, Hehnly 12/14/2004 03/17/2005
NT-0032-C05 Clark Kumpf, Johnson, Valley, Hehnly 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
NT-0036-C01 RB 1 Hoboken Hoboken HS Track Renovation 09/01/2004 09/23/2004
NT-0042-E01 New Brunswick K Center 3 McKinely E-rate 12/10/2004 01/12/2005
NT-0043-E01 Garfield James Madison School #10/New MS E-rate 12/10/2004 01/12/2005
NT-0047-P01 Passaic Demolition/Abatement of structures adjacent to the existing schools 04/24/2007 04/24/2007
NT-0050-N01 Passaic Leonard Place E.S. 01/06/2010 04/01/2010
NT-0053-N01 Garfield New Elementary School 08/09/2023 10/04/2023
PA-0003-C01 Paterson JFK High School Window Replacement 11/25/2002 12/23/2002
PA-0004-C01 Paterson Demolition for Roberto Clemente Annex 01/24/2003 06/17/2003
PA-0004-P01 Paterson Demolition for Roberto Clemente Annex 08/19/2008 09/11/2008
PA-0006-C01 Paterson Marshall Street Elementary School 03/18/2004 04/13/2004
PA-0006-C02 Paterson Marshall Street Elementary School 01/21/2005 02/24/2005
PA-0006-C03 Paterson Marshall Street Elementary School 07/22/2009 09/22/2009
PA-0006-C04 Paterson Marshall Street Elementary School 02/12/2013 04/10/2013
PA-0006-C05 Paterson Marshall Street Elementary School 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
PA-0006-N01 Paterson Marshall Street Elementary School 06/13/2012 07/11/2012
PA-0007-C01 Paterson Site Acquisition 01/22/2003 03/11/2003
PA-0008-C01 Paterson Don Bosco Academy 09/14/2004 10/21/2004
PA-0008-C02 RB 1 Paterson Don Bosco Academy 11/07/2005 02/08/2006
PA-0008-C03 Paterson Don Bosco Academy 05/09/2007 06/07/2007
PA-0008-C04 Paterson Don Bosco Academy 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
PA-0008-N01 Paterson Don Bosco Academy 05/21/2013 06/20/2013
PA-0011-C01 Paterson New Middle School at Union Avenue 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
PA-0011-N01 Paterson New Middle School at Union Avenue 03/02/2017 04/19/2017
PA-0019-C01 RB 1 Paterson Public School No. 24 10/21/2005 12/22/2005
PA-0019-N01 Paterson Public School No. 24 06/12/2009 07/07/2009
PA-0019-P01 Paterson Public School No. 24 09/13/2007 11/01/2007
PA-0020-C01 Paterson Norman Weir HVAC 08/15/2003 09/15/2003
PA-0024-N01 Paterson New PS #16 03/27/2012 04/27/2012
PA-0024-N02 Paterson New PS #16 08/06/2013 09/10/2013
PA-0025-E01 Paterson Int'l HS Academy/New ES at Marshall & Hazel/#13 ES/#24 ES Erate 12/10/2004 01/12/2005
PA-0026-C01 Paterson Roberto Clemente Annex/K-Center 02/25/2009 04/08/2009
PA-0026-P01 Paterson Roberto Clemente Annex/K-Center 11/09/2005 12/20/2005
PP-0005-C01 Burlington City Early Childhood Development Addition @ Samuel Smith E.S. 02/15/2002 03/14/2002
ST-0001-C01 Bridgeton Addition to the Buckshutem Road E.S. 04/19/2002 06/04/2002
ST-0002-C01 Gloucester School District Cold Springs ECC - Gloucester 11/19/2002 12/20/2002
ST-0002-C02 Gloucester School District Cold Springs ECC - Gloucester 06/24/2004 07/21/2004
ST-0005-C01 Woodlynne Elementary School Addition 10/16/2002 11/19/2002
ST-0006-C01 Buena Regional New Middle School and Site Acquisition 03/05/2008 04/08/2008
ST-0007-C01 Millville Lakeside M.S. Fine & Performing Arts Center & Gymnasium Addition 08/14/2003 11/05/2003
ST-0008-C01 Vineland E.R. Johnstone E.S. - Phase II Addition 11/22/2002 12/20/2002
ST-0009-C01 Fairfield Fairfield Elementary School 11/25/2003 06/09/2004
ST-0010-C01 Millville New Early Childhood Center 05/06/2003 09/18/2003
ST-0010-C02 Millville New Early Childhood Center 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
ST-0013-C01 Buena Regional 3 classroom addition 12/09/2002 01/13/2003
ST-0014-C02 Gloucester City Gloucester City ES/MS 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
ST-0016-C01 Vineland Category 2 New Elementary School #1 09/15/2004 11/22/2004
ST-0018-C01 Vineland SBE - Vineland M.S. 1 - Technology Equipment 09/15/2004 12/01/2004
ST-0018-C02 Vineland SBE - Vineland M.S. 1 - Technology Equipment 09/15/2004 12/01/2004
ST-0018-E01 Vineland SBE - Vineland M.S. 1 - Technology Equipment 12/08/2004 01/14/2005
ST-0018-T01 Vineland SBE - Vineland M.S. 1 - Technology Equipment 05/25/2006 06/20/2006
ST-0019-C01 Gloucester City Gloucester City HS 09/30/2003 10/31/2003
ST-0019-C02 Gloucester City Gloucester City HS 09/30/2003 11/07/2003
ST-0019-C03 Gloucester City Gloucester City HS 09/15/2004 11/22/2004
ST-0019-C06 Gloucester City Gloucester City HS 09/15/2004 12/02/2004
ST-0021-C01 Bridgeton Bridgeton HS - Media Center and Elevator Addition 11/25/2003 07/21/2004
ST-0021-C02 Bridgeton Bridgeton HS - Media Center and Elevator Addition 09/22/2004 11/05/2004
ST-0021-C03 Bridgeton Bridgeton HS - Media Center and Elevator Addition 05/02/2008 06/03/2008
ST-0022-C01 Cumberland Regional Cumberland High School 09/24/2004 11/16/2004
ST-0022-C02 Cumberland Regional Cumberland High School 10/10/2006 11/21/2006
ST-0022-C03 Cumberland Regional Cumberland High School 05/03/2006 06/08/2006
ST-0024-C01 Vineland Landis Roof Replacement 12/05/2003 02/02/2004
ST-0024-C02 Vineland Landis Roof Replacement 09/15/2004 10/20/2004
ST-0025-C01 Vineland SBE - Veterans Memorial School/P.J. Petway ES Technology Equip 08/20/2004 10/28/2004
ST-0025-P01 RB 1 Vineland SBE - Veterans Memorial School/P.J. Petway ES Technology Equip 07/21/2004 08/10/2004
ST-0025-T01 Vineland SBE - Veterans Memorial School/P.J. Petway ES Technology Equip 06/05/2006 06/15/2006
ST-0033-E01 Vineland New ES/Veterans Memorial Intermed E-rate 12/07/2004 01/14/2005
ST-0039-C01 RB 1 Greater Egg Harbor Oakcrest High School Auditorium Renovation 06/12/2007 07/12/2007
ST-0042-P01 Keansburg Borough Keansburg Borough - New Elementary School 11/22/2006 01/03/2007
ST-0044-C01 Bridgeton Bridgeton - Buckshutem ES/Quarter Mile ES Renovations & Additions 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
WT-0001-C01 Pemberton Early Childhood Center #1 01/27/2009 03/17/2009
WT-0001-J01 Pemberton Early Childhood Center #1 12/18/2008 01/21/2009
WT-0002-C01 Trenton Parker Elementary School 08/14/2003 10/01/2003
WT-0003-C01 Trenton Addition/Renovations to Mott Elementary School 09/09/2003 10/31/2003
WT-0004-C01 Trenton RE-BID - Trenton Central High School 09/02/2003 09/22/2003
WT-0004-C07 RB 1 Trenton RE-BID - Trenton Central High School 08/25/2004 12/02/2004
WT-0005-C01 Trenton SBE - Trenton P.J. Hill E.S. - Technology Equipment 08/21/2003 09/16/2003
WT-0005-C02 Trenton SBE - Trenton P.J. Hill E.S. - Technology Equipment 08/27/2003 10/28/2003
WT-0005-T01 Trenton SBE - Trenton P.J. Hill E.S. - Technology Equipment 04/21/2006 05/25/2006
WT-0007-C01 Trenton Addition & Renovation to existing facility to create Gregory Elementary/Middle School 06/03/2003 07/18/2003
WT-0008-C02 Trenton Roebling Addition & Renovation 09/27/2004 11/16/2004
WT-0008-C04 RB 1 Trenton Roebling Addition & Renovation 11/16/2004 11/15/2004
WT-0008-C05 Trenton Roebling Addition & Renovation 09/27/2004 11/15/2004
WT-0008-C06 Trenton Roebling Addition & Renovation 09/27/2004 11/17/2004
WT-0009-C01 Trenton SBE - Kilmer ES Technology Equipment 09/18/2003 11/19/2003
WT-0009-T01 Trenton SBE - Kilmer ES Technology Equipment 05/25/2006 06/28/2006
WT-0010-C01 Trenton SBE - Columbus ES Technology Equipment 09/02/2003 10/03/2003
WT-0010-C02 Trenton SBE - Columbus ES Technology Equipment 09/24/2003 11/14/2003
WT-0010-T01 Trenton SBE - Columbus ES Technology Equipment 06/21/2006 07/13/2006
WT-0011-C01 Trenton MLK/Jefferson E.S. 09/18/2003 11/21/2003
WT-0011-C02 Trenton MLK/Jefferson E.S. 04/01/2006 03/31/2006
WT-0011-C03 Trenton MLK/Jefferson E.S. 07/03/2007 09/19/2007
WT-0011-P01 Trenton MLK/Jefferson E.S. 05/30/2007 06/28/2007
WT-0013-C01 Burlington City Burlington City HS 09/30/2003 12/03/2003
WT-0018-E01 Trenton Columbus ES/Joyce Kilmer ES/MLK Jefferson E-rate 12/14/2004 01/19/2005
WT-0022-C01 Trenton Trenton Central High School 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
WT-0022-C02 Trenton Trenton Central High School 08/08/2014 09/05/2014
WT-0022-C03 Trenton Trenton Central High School 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
WT-0022-N01 Trenton Trenton Central High School 12/19/2014 02/03/2015
WT-0023-C01 Pemberton Isaiah Haines Elementary School 00/00/0000 00/00/0000
WT-0023-C02 Pemberton Isaiah Haines Elementary School 04/22/2022 06/01/2022
WT-0023-N01 Pemberton Isaiah Haines Elementary School 03/01/2017 04/12/2017
WT-0024-N01 Trenton New Elementary School 03/21/2025 05/14/2025