Prequalification Information
The NJSDA Prequalification Application form has been updated - please ensure that you are using the current version -- old applications WILL NOT be accepted: NJSDA Prequalification Application. Changes include:
For further information, contact the NJSDA Prequalification Unit at 609-858-5355. |
The New Jersey Schools Development Authority (SDA) solicits proposals from Professional Services Consultants to furnish architectural, engineering, construction management, material testing laboratories and other related consulting services for specific project assignments for various school projects throughout the State of New Jersey. All consultants must be prequalified by SDA to submit responses to SDA requests for proposal. Any subconsultants identified in the bid advertisement must have an active SDA prequalification as of the date when proposals are due.
Please note: The SDA requires all subconsultants of any tier in the DPMC Disciplines listed below, whose contract is in an amount which is equal to or greater than $500,000, be prequalified by the SDA.
P001 Architecture
P002 Electrical Engineering
P003 HVAC Engineering
P004 Plumbing Engineering
P005 Civil Engineering
P007 Structural Engineering
P011 Environmental Engineering
P015 Land Surveying
P029 Construction Management
P038 Asbestos Safety Control Monitoring
Materials Testing Laboratories (P066 – P103)
The New Jersey Schools Development Authority (SDA) solicits proposals from Contractors for various school projects throughout the State of New Jersey. All prime bidders and required subcontractors as identified in the bid advertisement must have an active SDA prequalification at the time of the bid proposal.
Please note: The SDA requires all subcontractors of any tier in the DPMC Trade Classifications listed below whose contract is in an amount which is equal to or greater than $500,000, be Prequalified by SDA.
C006 - CM as Constructor
C007 - Design Build
C008 - General Contractor
C009 - GC/Alterations & Additions
C019 - Concrete/Foundation/Footings/Masonry work
C021 - Demolition
C029 - Structural Steel
C030 - Plumbing
C032 - HVACR
C045 - Sprinkler Systems
C047 - Electrical
C066 - Roofing-Membrane EPDM
C067 - Roofing-Membrane PVC/CPE/CSPE
C068 - Roofing-Membrane Modified Bitumen
C069 - Roofing-Urethane
C070 - Roofing-Built Up
C071 - Roofing-Metal
C072 - Roofing-Tile/Slate/Shingles
C092 - Asbestos Removal/Treatment
C093 - Asbestos Removal/Mechanical
C096 - Lead Paint Abatement
Though SDA prequalification may not be necessary for subcontractors not identified in the SDA Bid Advertisement, the SDA strongly encourages all firms to become DPMC classified and SDA prequalified to take advantage of the potential SBE set-aside and specialty construction advertised by SDA.
Working on a ROD Grant
A Regular Operating District (ROD) is any New Jersey school district that is not designated as one of the 31 SDA Districts. Any questions related to non-SDA managed ROD projects should be directed to the District’s Business Administrator.
For more information on prequalification, please call (609) 858-5355.
Consultant Prequalification
The New Jersey Schools Development Authority (SDA) is required to maintain a Consultant Prequalification system.
Effective July 1, 2004 to become a SDA Consultant you must have a current prequalification with the New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction (DPMC). DPMC Form 48A is their Professional Services Prequalification Application and DPMC Form 48T is their Materials Testing Laboratory Prequalification Application. Both forms are available on the DPMC website form page at http://www.state.nj.us/treasury/dpmc/forms.shtml.
Consultants having this prequalification are required to fill out the NJSDA Prequalification Application. The completed NJSDA Prequalification Application along with a copy of a current, valid DPMC Notice should be emailed to: sdaprequalification@njsda.gov. It is no longer necessary to mail the original.
Once received, the application is reviewed for completeness and forwarded to the New Jersey State Police for a moral integrity screening. Upon review from New Jersey State Police, the SDA will prequalify a firm in the same discipline(s) and rating(s) as DPMC. The effective date will be the date SDA issues a prequalification letter. The expiration date will be the same as DPMC.
There are no fees associated with the NJSDA Prequalification Application.
Questions regarding prequalification should be directed to Contractor and Consultant Prequalification at (609) 858-5355.
Design Consultants
The New Jersey Schools Development Authority (SDA) solicits proposals from design consultants to furnish architectural, engineering and other related consulting services for specific project assignments for various school projects throughout the State of New Jersey. These projects will be advertised on the SDA website.
Design consultant projects use a traditional Request for Qualifications/Request for Proposal (RFQ/RFP) process whereby any prequalified firm meeting the criteria as listed in the advertisement is eligible to submit a proposal. Firms wishing to participate must have an active SDA prequalification as of the date when RFQ proposals are due. RFQ proposals must be submitted to the SDA on or before the due date specified in the advertisement. All proposals will be reviewed by a selection committee comprising a school district representative and SDA staff, to determine a shortlist of firms that will then be issued an RFP. Through the RFP, the shortlisted firms are given a scope of work for the project, invited to a pre-proposal conference and asked to submit technical and fee proposals to SDA by a certain date. All proposals will be independently reviewed and scored by the selection committee. All responses to the RFP are then ranked, negotiated and awarded to the consultant with the best qualifications.
By clicking on the link below, you may view the entire list of prequalified professional consultants and contractors, together with their contact and prequalification information. Search Directory of Prequalified Consultants and Contractors.
For more information on prequalification, please call (609) 858-5355.
Contractor Prequalification
The New Jersey Schools Development Authority (SDA) is required to maintain a Contractor Prequalification system.
Effective July 1, 2004 to become a SDA Contractor you must have a current classification with the New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction (DPMC). Contractors having this classification are required to fill out the SDA prequalification application which once received is reviewed for completeness and forwarded to the New Jersey State Police for a moral integrity screening. Upon review from the New Jersey State Police, the SDA will prequalify a firm in the same trade(s) and aggregate rating as DPMC. The effective date will be the date SDA issues a prequalification letter. The expiration date will be the same as DPMC.
All prime bidders and required subcontractors as identified in the bid advertisement shall be classified by NJ Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction (DPMC) and prequalified by SDA at the time of the bid proposal. In addition, at the time of the bid proposal your firm and each of the required subcontractors must be registered with the New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services, and have Public Works Contractor Registration with the New Jersey Department of Labor, Division of Wage and Hour Compliance.
If you are a contractor interested in obtaining the required certifications to become eligible to bid on school construction projects, you must do the following:
NJ Department of Treasury, Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services
Website: www.nj.gov/njbgs
Telephone: (609) 292-9292
Application Fee: None
NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Wage and Hour Compliance
Website: https://www.nj.gov/labor/wagehour/regperm/pw_cont_reg.html
Telephone: (609) 292-9464
Application Fee: $300 (new or renewal) plus additional fees for on-line filing
NJ Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction
Website: Request for Classification DPMC-27
Telephone: (609) 633-2725 or (609) 943-5098
Application Fee: $100 (new or renewal)
New Jersey Schools Development Authority, Risk Management
Website: NJSDA Prequalification Application
Telephone: (609) 858-5355
Application Fee: None
The completed NJSDA prequalification Application along with a copy of a current, valid DPMC Notice should be emailed to: sdaprequalification@njsda.gov. It is no longer necessary to mail the original.
There are no fees associated with the NJSDA Prequalification Application.
Questions regarding prequalification should be directed to Contractor and Consultant Prequalification at (609) 858-5355.
The New Jersey Schools Development Authority (SDA) solicits proposals from Contractors for various school projects throughout the State of New Jersey. Click on the link below for a list of current Construction Project Advertisements
Construction Project Advertisements
Small Business Enterprise Participation
Finally, though not required, the SDA encourages all firms to review their qualifications for Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Registration with the New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services to take advantage of potential SBE Set-Aside (carve-out) work. Should you have additional questions or require assistance in completing the NJ Small Business Vendor registration form, it is recommended that you contact the Business Services Call Center at 1-609-292-2146.
By clicking on the link below, you may view the entire list of prequalified professional consultants and contractors, together with their contact and prequalification information.
Search Directory of Prequalified Consultants and Contractors
For more information on prequalification, please call (609) 858-5355.