Construction Workforce Management
The Construction Contract General Conditions require that all subcontractors, regardless of tier, be NJSDA Subcontractor Approved. This site will provide subcontractors with instruction on how to become NJSDA Subcontractor approved prior to performing work on School Facilities Project.
In accordance with the Construction Contract General Conditions, the Contractor shall not subcontract to firms or individuals that are suspended or debarred by the State of New Jersey or by any instrumentality thereof, or to firms or individuals that are otherwise not eligible to perform work as subcontractors on the School Facilities Project pursuant to regulation, Authority procedures, or the requirements of the Contract Documents.
No subcontractor shall perform work on the School Facilities Project until the Authority has approved it. The Risk Management & Vendor Services Unit will confirm the Subcontractor’s New Jersey Department of Labor Public Works Contractor Registration Act Certification, New Jersey Department of Treasury Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services Business Registration and verify any applicable trade licenses, business permits and/or certificates.
In order to work on a school construction project, a subcontractor who is not bidding as a prime, and is not identified in the bid advertisement will require:
1) Public Works Contractor Registration, The Division of Wage and Hour Compliance, NJ Department of Labor
DOL Public Works Contractor Registration Form
2) Business Registration with Treasury's Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services. You will need to fill out the "New Jersey Complete Business Registration Package" known as "NJ-REG".
Subcontractors on NJSDA managed projects of $5M or more are under the Project Labor Agreement (PLA). All tier subcontractors on PLA designated projects, performing PLA regulated work, shall submit a copy of the executed, Letter of Assent (LOA) and attach to the Subcontractor Approval Form 1105 as a condition of approval. Subcontractors of any tier whose proposed work is regulated by the PLA, and who are found to be non-compliant after the start of any such work may have their approval revoked and/or may be subject to removal.
As soon as a potential Subcontractor has been identified by the Contractor, but in no event less than twenty (20) days prior to the scheduled commencement of work by the Subcontractor, the Contractor shall notify the Authority of all Subcontractors, obtain NJSDA approval of the subcontractor and ensure their enrollment in the OCIP prior to performing any work on-site.
All awarded Subcontractor’s are to complete Subcontractor Approval Form 1105 in its entirety and ensure the original, notarized form is submitted to the Contractor. The Contractor will then request that the Authority approve the Subcontractor by submitting the original, notarized Subcontractor Approval Form 1105 to the Construction Management Firm (CM) for review/signature/date for transmittal to the NJSDA Project Manager (PM) for review/signature/date and Risk Management & Vendor Services Unit for verification and approval. (In the event a CM is not assigned to a project, Form 1105 should be mailed directly to the NJSDA PM)
Subcontractor Approval Form 1105
After receipt of the Subcontractor Approval Form 1105, the Risk Management & Vendor Services Unit will notify the Contractor, in writing, whether the subcontractor has been approved or reasons why approval can not be granted. If approval of a proposed subcontractor is not granted, the Contractor may submit another candidate for approval.
Please Note: The SDA requires all subcontractors of any tier in the DPMC Trade Classifications listed below whose contract is in an amount which is equal to or greater than $500,000, be pre-qualified by SDA.There are no fees associated with the SDA Prequalification Application.
C006 - CM as Constructor
C007 - Design Build
C008 - General Contractor
C009 - GC/Alterations & Additions
C019 - Concrete/Foundation/Footings/Masonry work
C021 - Demolition
C029 - Structural Steel
C030 - Plumbing
C039 - HVAC
C045 - Sprinkler Systems
C047 - Electrical
C066 - Roofing-Membrane EPDM
C067 - Roofing-Membrane PVC/CPE/CSPE
C068 - Roofing-Membrane Modified Bitumen
C069 - Roofing-Urethane
C070 - Roofing-Built Up
C071 - Roofing-Metal
C072 - Roofing-Tile/Slate/Shingles
C092 - Asbestos Removal/Treatment
C093 - Asbestos Removal/Mechanical
C096 - Lead Paint Abatement
Questions regarding Subcontractor Approval should be directed to the SDA Subcontractor Approval helpline at (609) 858-5357 or fax to (609) 656- 2699.
The SDA works to ensure diversity within its organizational framework, and we expect firms that do business with the SDA to also support diversity within their ranks and in their hiring. At every opportunity we seek to communicate and promote the use of New Jersey's diverse business and workforce communities on SDA projects. Toward that goal, SDA:
- Identify all potential qualified small, women, and minority contractors and/or consultants
- Encourage qualified small, women, and minority businesses to bid on SDA projects
- Promote a fair distribution of contracts to small, women, and minority contractors and/or consultants
- Encourage contractors to have equal employment opportunities
- Monitor subcontractor and subconsultant contract compliance; randomly monitor labor workforce compliance in all SDA projects
- Stay abreast of policy changes regarding affirmative action and other workforce requirements
A copy of the New Jersey Department of Treasury minority and women workforce goals for construction contractors and subcontractors can be found at: DIVISION OF CONTRACT COMPLIANCE & EEO IN PUBLIC CONTRACTS GOALS FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS.
Workforce Monitoring of School Construction Managed Projects
The SDA monitors workforce compliance by all contractors involved in construction projects managed by the SDA. Contractors are required to:
- Forward all Initial Project Workforce Reports (AA-201) within seven (7) business days of the contract award to the SDA.
- Forward all Monthly Workforce Tracking Reports (AA-202) by the 7th day of the following month (e.g., January report due February 7) to the SDA.
- Forward all Subcontractors Projection Forms (AA-201A) within seven (7) business days to the SDA.
- Stay abreast of policy changes regarding affirmative action and other workforce requirements
Monitoring of workforce hiring will also be enforced through investigators who are responsible for conducting construction site visits throughout the state to ensure that prime contractors make good faith efforts in hiring women and minorities applicable to the appropriate workforce goals.
Existing Workforce Tracking Accounts
For more information contact:
Ray Acevedo, Field Compliance Inspector - 609-858-5138