Small Businesses Opportunities
Contractor Training Program
2024 Contractor Training Program Information
The New Jersey Schools Development Authority remains committed to increasing the active involvement of small, minority, women, and disabled veteran-owned business enterprises in the State's school construction program. The Authority proudly conducts a dedicated, in-house, Contractor Training Program designed to assist and promote small business entities throughout the State of New Jersey. The program is free of charge to all small, minority, women, and disabled veteran-owned businesses in the State of New Jersey.
The goal of the Contractor Training Program is to develop, strengthen, and expand the working relationships of small business firms established within New Jersey.
To date, more than 200 businesses have successfully completed the NJSDA training program. Company profiles of some of the firms that have completed the program can be found in the links below:
2011 Program Graduates
2012 Program Graduates
2013 Program Graduates
2014 Program Graduates
2015 Program Graduates
2016 Program Graduates
2017 Program Graduates
2018 Program Graduates
2019 Program Graduates
2020 Program Graduates
2021 Program Graduates
2023 Program Graduates
For more information on the program, please contact Edye Maier at (609) 858-2909 or email us at ContractorTraining@njsda.gov.
SBE Program Goal
The SDA is committed to providing opportunities for Small Business Enterprises (SBEs) to participate in the school construction program.
The Authority has an obligation of ensuring that 25% of the total dollar value of every publicly advertised contract procured by the SDA is awarded to small businesses. Additionally, SDA advocates and encourages subcontract awards to Minority (MBE) and/or Women-Owned (WBE) firms on school projects.
The SDA Small Business Enterprise programs 25% goal can be met in two ways:
1) The SDA may designate certain contracts as set-aside contracts open to bid by SBE-registered Prime Consultants, Contractors or Vendors only. These contracts will be clearly identified in all bid advertisements as SBE set-aside contracts.
2) For all contracts (including set-aside contracts), prime consultants, prime contractors and prime vendors are required to award contracts totaling a minimum of 25% to registered SBE subcontractors/sub-consultants and/or sub-vendors.
The SDA recognizes the important role small businesses play in the economy of the State, and we are dedicated to help those firms access bidding opportunities.
Click here to see a list of Upcoming Contract Opportunities for all SDA projects.
SDA staff total up the dollar value of the SBE set-aside contracts awarded by the SDA to prime contractors or consultants or vendors, plus the value of those associated subcontracts awarded to SBE subcontractors/sub-consultants and sub-vendors by these primes. This total is used to calculate whether the prime has met its minimum 25% SBE compliance goal, or demonstrated a substantiated good-faith effort to identify and consider available SBE subcontractors, sub-consultants and sub-vendors for participation in the projects it has been awarded.
NJSAVI Database
You may access information regarding registered small businesses and certified minority and women-owned businesses by utilizing the SDA directory of contractors and consultants as well as the New Jersey Selective Assistance Vendor Information (NJSAVI) database. NJSAVI Database
NJSAVI is a database designed to assist small, minority and/or women-owned businesses that wish to do business with the State of New Jersey and the private sector. The database helps identify businesses eligible for legislatively mandated state programs, such as the New Jersey Set-Aside Act, and aids in matching buyers and vendors for private contracting opportunities.
For more information on statewide listing of firms certified as small, woman and minority owned business enterprises and to learn more about the Standards of Eligibility to become registered as a " Small Business" contact the Business Services Call Center at 1-609-292-2146, or visit New Jerseys business web portal: https://www20.state.nj.us/TYTR_SAVI/vendorSearch.jsp