Outside Design Consultants
SDA engages Design Consultants to provide design services for a variety of project types including new schools, addition/renovations, and emergent projects. SDA also procures design consultant services via “on-call” task order agreements, which are typically for three-year terms. SDA also procures site consultant services to support in-house design through task order agreements. Design Consultant services are also indirectly procured through Design-Build and General Contractor task order procurements.
Click here for information regarding current and upcoming Design Consultant procurement opportunities.
Design Services – In most instances, SDA initially engages Design Consultants to perform Predesign Phase services, which are intended to investigate and document existing conditions and project requirements; identify and evaluate potential design solutions; and establish a project scope for further development. Upon successful completion of Predesign Phase services, Design Consultants are then typically engaged for Design and Construction Phase services based upon that established project scope.
Following are typical Design Consultant Scopes of Services (Note – These are template documents provided as examples only.
Consult your contract for project-specific scopes of services.)
Design Manuals – For each Design Consultant engagement, SDA provides Design Manuals, which detail specific project deliverable requirements.
Following are typical Design Manuals (Note – These are template documents provided as examples only.
Consult your contract for project-specific design deliverable requirements.)
Design Submission Checklists – SDA also provides Design Checklists for each Design Consultant engagement which are used to identify
project-specific deliverable requirements for each phase of design to ensure that . Following are typical Design Checklists
(Note – These are template documents provided as examples only.
Consult your contract for project-specific design deliverable requirements.)