New Jersey Schools Development Authority
Active Emergent Project Status as of March 31, 2024
SDA-Managed Emergent Projects
District School Name Project Scope Status
Burlington Samuel Smith E.S. Window Repair/Replacement
Partial Roof Replacement
Camden City Veteran’s Memorial School Exterior Masonry, Windows, Roofing & Site Work Construction
East Orange Fresh Start Academy Water Infiltration, Roof, Masonry GCTO with Design – Design Phase
Irvington Grove Street School Boiler Replacement & HVAC Repairs Construction
Newark Branch Brook ES Water infiltration - Exterior Masonry GCTO with Design – Design Phase
Newark Cleveland E.S. Boiler Room Vault Repairs Construction
Newark Salome Urena (Old 1st) Water infiltration - Exterior Masonry GCTO with Design – Design Phase
Newark Technology H.S Structural Vault Repairs/Façade Repairs GCTO with Design – Design Phase
Newark University HS Partial Roof Replacement GCTO with Design – Design Phase
Trenton Franklin ES Exterior Masonry and Boiler Stack Repair GCTO with Design – Design Phase
Union City Emerson MS Roof Replacement and Stucco Repairs Construction
Union City Union Hill MS Roof Replacement, Stucco Repairs, and Chimney Repairs Construction

District-Managed Emergent Projects
District School Name Project Scope Status
Burlington Captain James Lawrence Window and flooring replacement Construction
Millville Holly Heights E.S. HVAC Renovations Construction